[A][CATA][Atiesh] <10 Big Guys> 10Man Heroic Team Recruiting for Firelands

10 Big Guys is recruiting for Firelands! We raid T/Th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm PST and we are currently 13/13 Heroic.

All are welcome to apply, however we are primarily looking for DPS and 1 tank, but feel free to reach out regardless, as we have quite a few members that have the ability to switch classes/roles.

We’re a pretty laid back guild that cares more about having a good time, than going for high parses or clearing heroic quickly. While good and consistent raid attendance is expected we also understand that family and real life come first.

Please reach out to Ziaxz on discord if you have any questions or are interested in joining.


Still looking? Looking to come back in prep for MOP and looking for a guild