Abusing the report afk feature


sounds like you got vote kicked

There was a time when leveling was more tedious so players would log into battle grounds and hit space bar once in a while while they watched TV or something for the xP. It was terrible back then. I’m glad you don’t get much zoom from NGs now for that reason.

Snitchies get kickies

So I was in an AV. Just joined up. I did my duty, dropped a soulwell, SS a priest, called my attendant to get my Phial of Serenity, summoned my succubus as eye candy.

I saw there was a minute left. So I alt-tabbed out and came here to post about Space-Time Extended Finite Element Method with Applications to Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems.

And after getting started on my post I saw minutes had passed and alt-tabbed back into AV and I was booted!


So then I went to make some pancakes.

And all was well.

The End.

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man, you can’t let it end on a cliffhanger like that.

were the pancakes any good?


They were spectacular. :smiley:


yep thats how the system is set up for abuse. File a gm ticket report said players. Hopefully with enough suspensions people will stop abusing it

The WoW Community is really broken. Guilds are either toxic or dead issues.

Wait arent you like a huge blizzard fangirl or am i thinking of someone else?

are you really telling someone to open a ticket about something which happened 2 years ago?


Whoops did not notice the date of the op :man_facepalming:t3: