Abusing NPC dungeon que to avoid death in WPVP

Is this a bannable offense? I see people doing it often, and if it’s not… well I guess fight fire with fire!

Edit: I’ve ran into a mage with a macro script to insta-que & join within a split second of taking damage.

Why would this be a "bannable offense? " :rofl: I world PvP when I’m waiting for SS queues. I’m not going to skip my chance so somebody can get their one bloody token and some satisfaction. That’s absurd. A queue pops when the queue pops, it’s not like you can plan for it to pop when you’re in the middle of losing fight every time.


Maybe you should read the title of the post.

Sounds like clever use of game mechanics :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I did read it, but Ive never done an NPC dungeon so I didn’t realize it popped immediately. Still should not be a bannable offense, it’s wpvp, who cares? It’s not like anybody is losing anything, or it’s causing anyone any sort of inconvenience.


Well that’s kind of why I’m asking. I’ll abuse it too, if it’s not bannable.

I mean how could someone even tell why you’re suddenly phasing out. Maybe it’s a dungeon que or a ss? I say go for it

Well in Moon Guard Elwynn (duel area) it’s a widely abused thing and horde flag up to gank and then suddenly phase out when they risk dying. Common occurance!

Also – they phase out and then phase right back (unflagged) without any kind of deserter debuff, too short of a time for it to be an arena que, blitz/BG or SS que.

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Still less shady than some of the other stuff people do to phase out of a fight.


There’s one in org too where they phase into the inn, supposedly from some old quest.

There is one on the platform in waking shores with the dragon/dwarf dude sitting on the ledge. I see people using that all the time especially during the dream surge event, to avoid NPCs after ganking lower geared questers or when the cavalry shows up lol. I may or may not be guilty of using it myself on occasion. :rofl:


So, I only world pvp while leveling and am not into PvP (I tolerate it for and try to partake in it when engaged in the spirit of the xp buff) but I have to point out here that making it a bannable offense would be immensely unfair to players who stay in world PvP not for the benefits but for the PvP but also do instanced content, because you simply don’t know for sure what they queued into. It sucks when you lose a kill (trust me, as someone who is on the dying end 99.9% of the time when I do PvP, I know how much it sucks to be on the winning side for once and then they just up and leave) but making this issue a bannable offense opens the door for trolls to report any people accepting a queue, even if they just happened to spend 30 minutes in a raid wing queue when they got engaged for PvP.

As described, the only abuse that I have seen in wpvp of it has been in the duel area (which a lot of toxic players spend there time anyway) and it is quite noticable where they flag, attack, and que/phase before they die, and within seconds they are back and unflagged until their cooldowns reset and then they try again.

Yeah I have seen plenty of players accepting arena ques or bg ques doing the same thing, (attempting a gank) however, what about the ones who do it 5-6 times within a 2 minute period?

I don’t disagree, but how would Blizz be able to differentiate it in their system? We play a game where players will mass report to squelch you, even if they can’t outright get you banned, because you made them mad. There is a lot of potential for abuse here.

No doubt, this(guilds grouping up to mass report people they don’t like) has happened to me before (and a few others I know on the realm more consistantly.)

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