Abuse of reporting feature

You do not get a suspension with out a review from a human! You can only get a squelch with out review


I don’t think anyone is claiming organized reporting isn’t happening. It is. They’re trying to reassure you that while you may temporarily be unable to chat due to a “squelch”, Blizzard reviews those. No account action will be taken unless an actual employee determines a rule was broken. I think what confuses people is spam means different things to different people. If you message is too often or too long, for example, it can be reported for spam.


Yes and if these same people keep doing this and more and more get squelched they will find themselvs with account suspensions and or bans for making false reports. Ie reporting people for stuff that is not a chat violation or spam.


I’m on a big realm and have never encountered this.
:point_right: :point_left:

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I’d disagree… several of the posters here either are disputing that organized reporting is happening, or they support it.

What annoys me more though is that they also gloss over the fact that the automated initial warnings as a result of that organized reporting are very chilling and have their intended effect, chasing crafters out of trade chat, but no one seems to care about that.

Are you a crafter that posts frequently in trade chat?

Yes and I also talk to several folks too. If there’s a guild on your realm abusing the report feature then you could address that via a ticket.

Or if you’re spamming it then slow down on how fast your spamming the message. Also find a “compliment” crafter. Like if you’re mail spec find a leather spec person and say I’ll send folks that need leather your way if you want to send mail to me. Something like that.


In at least one case I know of, the guild doing it was known, and reported, but no action has been taken yet. In the other cases, no one knows who’s doing it, so all you can do is avoid trade chat.

Not one person in this thread has said that.

Nor this. YOU are the only one who has said it, as a way of being dismissive of the responses you don’t agree with.

No one knows what you mean by “chilling”. A warning is simply a warning. It’s not an account action, it’s not seen by GM’s. It’s simply a WARNING that you may want to stop what you are doing. If you are doing nothing wrong, then continue.

If crafters are spamming their professions over and over, that is the root of the problem. Spamming is not allowed. If crafters are being “chased out”, then it means there is less spam, and in the end, less chance they will get an account action for spamming.

You do not know what actions have or have not been taken against another guild. Those actions are between them and Blizzard.


Just to touch on this, Blizzard doesn’t tell 3rd parties of account actions that may or may not happened. Nor would they tell of who or how many they action.


I don’t think there are many that would ignore the fact that people do band together to report others. That reality is not lost on us. However, we have worked to build up the various reporting systems over the years to help account for that. In the interest of preventing folks from gaming how it works I cannot really say more.

If someone was squelched or even suspended in error, submit an appeal.

For transparency, that isn’t to say we don’t have automation involved to a degree and wouldn’t want more. Game Master’s can’t be everywhere, especially when it gets busy with a new launch or big patch, so we want to leverage the advancements in technology that are around to help address inappropriate and toxic behavior in-game. For example, we discussed machine learning a few years back which was being used to help reduce toxicity in Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm.

We’re obviously not at a place where such technology can take over, but it is likely to play a big part in the future as that technology improves. What we have already is being leveraged to help in the process. For example, these forums use technology to recognize and detect inappropriate and toxic language, both clear and masked, by highlighting the language and problematic text, which help our moderation staff when looking into forum reports.

Perhaps I missed it, I hadn’t seen anyone say that except for you.

To your point, we are aware of how folks use the reporting system and we do what we can to mitigate the bad actors involved. It isn’t perfect and Game Masters make mistakes, but we do what we can to correct those along the way.

If you have feedback on how you believe the current reporting system and those warning messages impact you, I’d recommend submitting feedback through the “Submit a Suggestion” option through the in-game window.

I believe this discussion is starting to go around in circles so I’m going to end it here. Thanks, all.