Abuse of Mass reporting

It’s been in the game too long. There should be no ability to mass report for instant bans that aren’t even reviewed. If the system stays in, all false ban reports should be counter-punished.


Agreed. There should be consequences for bullying.


It’s funny that you are from Faerlina where this is rampant. But people are definitely getting banned for false reporting.

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Blizz doesn’t really care. They have new thinking as of a year or so ago that more bans means they can demonstrate they are taking more action against toxicity in the game. They are happy for the extra ban numbers tbh and they definitely won’t remove the automated report system, it saves them too much money on hiring humans and rakes in more bans so that they can compete with Riot as to who is the most anti-toxicity company.


This happened on my classic server the other day as well…very sad to see happen. We had a person break bracket 13 to get warlord a week earlier and the pvp community all mass reported him. He is now banned for 6 months. He appealed and the horrible GM just gave him a link to the TOS page, and said there nothing else can be done.


Happens on retail. Mostly in bgs they false spam report you if your low item lvl or something.

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Tell your friend to stop cheating, there is no automatic ban system from player reports.


This. For a 6 month ban, dude was cheating. Either botting or account sharing.


As a multiboxer of many accounts who reports cheaters who bot (fly hacks etc) I can confirm this exists.


Blizzard already stated that there is no insta ban system from reports. The most reports will get you is a 7 day mute.


For someone who thinks they know it all. There sure is a lot of people who are claiming the exact opposite if what you are saying.

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From Gaming to twitter and reddit mass reporting is given the lead.
Coorporations decided that mob click-lynching is the way to go.
Deal with it.
I don’t like it.
But it’s like that.

The number of people espousing a false narrative has no bearing on the truth.


I don’t believe blizzard auto bans for 6 months just from mass reporting


That… is like… wtf

In what regard?

Reporting system is broken and you have the ability to abuse an already broken system.

For one, I consider people like you to be a “rat” for using it in the first place.

Two, in Vanilla, you would likely be banned for multi boxing.

Three, see one and two.

Reporting bots is good.

Er, no.

Not every player that gets banned by abusing RCR is a bot.

How about Blizzard hires some actual GMs to look over the situation instead of having their own GM bots banning humans for playing.

Don’t make excuses for this terrible feature that empowers the most toxic of players.


I think you’ve got the wrong guy.

Reporting bots is good.