[A][Burning Legion] <Exodus> 12/12M N'zoth Mount Sale

<Exodus> is a 12/12M Ny’alotha raiding guild on Burning Legion - US.

Having finished collecting mounts for our main roster, we are expanding into mount sales of the Ny’alotha Allseer from the Mythic N’zoth encounter in Ny’alotha. This mount still drops at a 100% drop rate during the pre-patch and will continue to until Shadowlands’ release on November 23.

We are currently interested in selling the mount for 2.5M gold accepted on the following realms: Jaedenar, Agamaggan, Archimonde, The Underbog, Burning Legion, Kargath, Norgannon, Thunderhorn, and Blade’s Edge.

Our raid nights are Monday and Wednesday 8PM-11PM EST and we can accommodate a sale any time within those windows. All you have to do is tag the boss and jump off the edge. Players with mythic experience may be given further consideration to live during the fight.

If you are interested in purchasing a mount sale from our guild or have any further questions, please reach out to Superspike#2055 or MPC3RD#2433 on Discord, or Superspike#1332 or MPC3RD#1400 on Battlenet.

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With the Shadowlands launch announced for November 23, that leaves just 3 weeks left to get this mount at a 100% drop rate. Please reach out if interested in buying a sale!

Bumping for jellyfish boi

Only 2 resets left at 100% drop rate!