Absorbs to No Longer Prevent Daze (EDIT: APPARENTLY A BUG)

People mad because they think it’s intentional blizzard states its not intentional. People coming forward with conspiracy theories that they backed off to pretend it wasn’t intentional seems like a stable line of thinking.

Remember when Wowhead leaked the Pathfinder guide and some people thought you had to play both factions and we’re convinced you had to this is basically the same thing. People taking misinformation and pretending like it’s gospel on that site

I do not see anywhere where they said the issue was resolved. How many times over the years has blizz been unable to handle the technical aspect of an issue and just left it broken out of sheer lack of skill and willingness to create quality products?

My bad, I misread a wowhead news update.

So once again. What sort of response are you expecting?

What’s the point of hotfixing something on a test realm when you can just include the correction in the next iteration?

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Anything would have been better than the canned response they used. We all know issues like this go live even after months of testing and folks telling blizz it’s broken.

The kind of response I would like to have seen is what good manager’s use all the time, that is, state the issue, state whats is going to be done about it, and like any good goal set a time limit for when it will be resolved.

Anything less is just lazy. It could very well be another bait and switch issue, and if blizz isn’t willing to say we will fix before xx/xx just leaves it open to be yet another ‘oops’ excuse which is now looking more like a diversion tactic when they implement / break content.

I kind of get the feeling that regardless of what Blizzard said you would not be happy.

That’s been the TL;DR of these forums for a while now.

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  • was issue stated or implied in such a way that we can be certain they know what it is? CHECK
  • did they say they are going to do about the issue? CHECK
  • did they say when it would be fixed? CHECK

Thank goodness. :heart:

Get real. It’s been a long time since ‘soon’ or in this case, asap, is a standing joke for blizzard. There may be a half dozen cases were they actually fixed it asap. There are 1000’s of cases where the issue was never resolved.

I would be willing to bet real life money they have fixed more bugs on the PTR than didn’t.

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Cool so about 2 months after its released

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Was the word ‘SOON’ in that ‘promise’? CHECK.
Did they actually promise or just ‘plan to fix’? CHECK.
Has Blizzard ever dropped the ball before, on problems found in PTR? CHECK.

…and mate.
Flips hair, sips tea and resets the playing board


Ok. So what sort of Blizzard response would have satisfied you?

“we absolutely promise to fix all bugs by 05/27/2019, at 1300 hours”?

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I know I am going to be watching all the things that interact with mount equipment very closely. If they dont implement new bardings and such, or water walking pots suddenly stop working, or change any of those things in the future… we will know this was their way of putting a clamp down on ground travel.


Why did the blue delete his reply? Only reason I know he said something is the blue reply button and people quoted it. Really makes one wonder what they are hiding

I still see it. Not sure what’s up. Post 272 it looks like

oh thats really interesting I see the counter says 272 on the line between posts but nothing is there.

Thats weird. I tried refreshing a few times to make sure it wasn’t something done that hadn’t updated for me. Its between the posts by Ôblivion and Jops

Not from the current establishment running things, no.
Or are you going to pretend you are unaware of how low this community’s trust in them has fallen?
flips hair, this time; waits for the tea to finish brewing

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