Absolution Recruiting Healers

Earthfury Horde Guild: Absolution - Semi-Hardcore

10/10 MC 1/1 Onyx Raid Tues/Mon 9 PM Est-Midnight

Looking for Healers: Resto Shamans, Priests

Loot System: We run a Random Raider Loot Council, 4 Random Raiders and Three officers random picked each week.

We have been raiding for a Few months now, We clear MC and Onyx pretty easy normally. But we have lost a few people due to lack of interest in classic or some of the Changes and the way PvP ended up being. Plus on top of that the holidays.

So we are rebuilding part of the raid team. If you are looking for a good group of guys in a Semi-Hardcore environment, fell free to contact Kalkon or Pasture in Game. or Gideon#4144 on Discord.