Absolutely nothing for doing the Season of Mastery Soul of Iron Challenge?

SoM wont be a failure if they let us unlock the legendary ashbringer with the soul of iron buff

Its about time we had closure to that 60 version of ashbringer. The fact we never got to use it haunts me.

I’ll be damned if world of warcraft ends and we never get to use it. What a waste of potential.

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Hey Asgaria what do you think of unlocking ashbringer if you don’t die with Soul of iron?

Hey whatever floats your boat.
Prepare for the rumored eternal hellfire.
Or maybe just sell your soul to a warlock.

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SAVE SOME COPIUM FOR THE OTHER 10 REMAINING PLAYERS. No way we actually expected them to release a good wow after they trashed tbc.

There’s nothing to brag about not dying while leveling up in ANY game.

Apes clearing MC with mostly 58’s was impressive, beating Dark Souls in 6 min is impressive, beating RE1 with a knife is impressive and the list goes on.

A hunter, mage or people duoing/full groups SoL to 60 w/o dying is not impressive.

What do you think the reward should be for soul of iron? Do you like the idea of unlocking ashbringer?

Season of Manbabies is more like it.


So far som chat is bangin.

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I just wish there would be a turn in at 60 to turn the buff off without suffering failure. I don’t need a title or reward, I just want to eventually feel done with it and not worry about it. That might not be the best feeling to have about what is supposed to be a big addition to the game but after having enjoyed HC mode until 60 it will just be an unfun burden.

It’s all about the journey, man.

You get a special buff for getting to 60 with soul of iron.

Edit: reread the wowhead article, hasn’t been confirmed.

why do you think this?

I thought they were going to have a little book you could look at that showed the names of every character who leveled to 60 without dying.

It’s funny. Many people just don’t understand how to have fun.

I am not playing on a fresh server. I am still in love with slowly advancing my main and a bunch of alts in Classic Era. I was happy they created Fresh and gave a lot of people something they very much wanted to do. That said, I haven’t been paying attention . . . this is the first I have tuned into Soul of Iron. It sounds like great fun to me and I might roll on a fresh server just to participate.


I read a wowhead article that said it’s likely, but I guess it’s not confirmed.

A fanmade event that has nothing to do with Blizz has no reward? No way!


I wasn’t aware that the game ended as soon as you hit 60. To me, there’s still plenty to do while being max level.

Maybe instead of complaining that there isn’t an end to Soul of Iron, you should try to actually play and finish the game. You must be good if you indeed finished the game like you claim, wasn’t aware that Naxx was out.

There’s been strings datamined having to do with killing bosses with your Soul of Iron intact, including KT. So not really fair of you to be a dbag and assume they didn’t put an end to Soul of Iron when you haven’t even begun to start the actual challenge of Soul of Iron yet.

You are raging about something you have not even experienced yourself. 99 out of 100 times you would fail before you hit 60 anyways I’m sure.

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Welcome back Glinda u have been missed.

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just wondering if you’ve done it since you are so sure, i haven’t but i don’t deal in absolutes