Absolutely kills me that Archon and Voidweaver use their opposite thematic cooldowns

Who in their right mind thought that Voidweaver, the spec that harnesses the best parts of the void, should have Dark Ascension angel wings tied to it, and not Voidform?
And Archon, the spec that literally has a picture of a fallen archangel, best utilizes Voidform?

Please, do something about this. I know it seems like such a silly thing, but it absolutely destroys the theme of the hero trees when they use the complete opposite fitting cooldowns.
The fact that they don’t use their appropriate spells is a travesty.


Feel the same way. Gameplay wise I get it. Archon can extend the duration of void form and dark ascension. So of course extending void form is more beneficial. And void weaver has direct damage on a short cooldown, so dark ascension it is.

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Yeah I think Dark Ascension fits perfectly with Archon thematically, can even see that just by looking at the icon, it is supposed to be an angel/dark angel type of tree. It would’ve been super cool to see Archon buffing Dark Ascension in some way that makes it a bit more fun to use and also changes its visual to be bigger wings with maybe some cool trail effects.

Then for Voidweaver, same deal. I think Voidform looks cool enough already so not sure they could make a visual improvement but it definitely matches Voidweaver perfectly in terms of theme.

I think it was a missed opportunity that is important enough to warrant a revisit to these trees at least for shadow. Have Archon focus on enhancing DA more without touching Voidform, and make Voidweaver enhance Voidform more without touching DA. If you want a Dark angel type of fantasy you would then play Archon for shadow, if you want the void fantasy from shadow you want play Voidweaver.

This shows devs are clueless and can’t do their jobs properly

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Definitely wouldnt say that, they do have problems with their beta cycle class development though for sure.

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I said what I said because this is a paid service not a free game from a small company and I want a decent game. The launch has been FULL with bugs and class balances problems. It’s time they need to start working.

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This is as good as spot as any to do the same Shadow Priest grievance I’ve wanted them to fix for YEARS, and please make shadow/void themed Levitate, Void Word: Shield, Void Feather, etc. I cannot stand seeing disney princess sparkles on my shadow priest every time I need to use some movement. I want to be a shadow priest, not sort of a shadow priest.

And yes, hard agree about disliking that the Hero talents use the thematically wrong CDs.


A few changes would dramatically fix this:

  • Dark Ascension
    – Make DA Instant Cast with no GCD
    – DA Lasts 20-seconds – Archon’s Halo pulses every 5-seconds over 10-seconds
    – Halo casted during DA pulse over DA’s duration, giving 2 additional pulses
    Edit: Halo is Instant Cast while affected by DA
    – Make sure Halo benefits from DA’s damage buff correctly, including healing
    – This would double the damage output, and make a fantastic “Healing CD”
    – Pairing this with Damage/Healing Trinkets would be hugely beneficial

  • Void Eruption
    – VE applies Vampiric Touch and SW: Pain to all targets it damages
    – Entropic Rift during Voidform is doubled in size and moves 40% faster
    – Enemies damaged by Divine Star in Voidform refreshes the duration of VT and SW:P
    – Void Torrent halts the duration of Voidform during its channel
    – All Spells can be cast while moving during duration
    – Spell casts are not delayed when taking damage during duration
    – Debuff: Descent into Madness - Deals 4% of your life as Shadow Damage every 2-seconds over the duration of Voidform. (Adds some Balance and Flavor - Pairing Vampiric Embrace and the Void Leech talent would offset much of the damage and provide a significant healing boost to others in damage intensive fights)

It would be nice to just make it so during either damage cooldown that you are just straight up immune to spell interrupt effects.

So you can still be knocked up or knocked back or pulled in or turned into a sheep or feared or stunned etc…

But you simply can not be interrupted from an ability that is designed to specifically interrupt spell casting.

That would at least make it so your cooldown windows are not wasted as much but counterplay still exists.

Basically, you need to line of sight the Shadow Priest or have plenty of non spell specific stops during his cooldown as you cant just lock Shadow out completely for multiple seconds during that time.

Shadow does not have blinks or ports to create distance or controlled stops like Polymorph of spammable fears etc. So if we must be beat on, allow us to free cast during our cooldown windows.

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If an ability doesn’t cost mana, it’s not a spell and should not be able to be kicked.

I’m just hoping that they rework priest in its entirety in 11.1. The class cannot continue as it is where its missing basic tools available to every other class, where everything it does is basically a worse version of an ability found in another class (that was likely taken from priest in the first place), and where its existing, anemic utility is either insanely useful or, more likely, completely useless.

Voidweaver and Archon got essentially zero changes from their initial iteration, so we know they’re basically rough drafts given priest as a whole got functionally zero attention outside of Oracle. They could take that opportunity to do the sensible thing and bring shadow back to one cooldown, either by removing Dark Ascension or by making Dark Ascension exclusive to Archon. Surge of Insanity should change Mind Flay into Void Bolt for Voidweaver and Mind Spike for Archon, with VE/DA changing Mind Flay to Bolt/Spike for their duration.

The current design just makes it impossible for Blizzard to design anything good or interesting for shadow because they can’t ever involve the cooldown in other talents or tier sets without it becoming problematic or heavily favoring one over the other.

The major concern with this potential is that once again the Priest community will have ZERO allotted time to actually provide meaningful feedback and so most likely it will just show up as is and we have to just deal with it and given prior history, most likely it will not be adequate enough and may very well cause more issues than it fixes.

So sure there could be chance but without proper dedicated time like Alpha/Beta then I am extremely cautious as to the future outlook for Priest.

Just delete dark ascension and balance void eruption. Thanks.

Agreed. I feel like they should’ve made Ascension the CD you activate as Archon and then 3 halos would emanate from you overtime.

I would agree, but Blizzard hasn’t spent more than 10 minutes on priest during alpha/beta for an expansion since Legion’s dev cycle. They basically waited until the tail end of beta, threw out some ideas, didn’t test them, and called it good every time.

They’re not going to give priest consideration, so they may as well just start changing things until they stumble into something that works and is healthy instead of the terminal mess we currently have.

And they need to do it with no regard for what priest has been historically. If they can remove Life Tap from warlock, they can remove Mind Control from priest. If mage, druid, shaman, paladin, and evoker can step on priest’s toes, surely priest can step on some toes, too.

Personally I don’t mind it because I hate the voidweaver playstyle, but voidform is my preferred cooldown.

I get the frustration tho. It is pretty silly nobody on the dev team saw this and thought it should be changed.

Even if they made voidform more usable for VW, idk if it would make DA the best choice for archon. Archon just has too many strong buffs to voidform

Both cool downs can be placed in the archon tree and I’ll be happy.

Asking the same thing. This is beyond stupidity.