Every week the codes for the expansion “sell out” in literal seconds. If I had known it would feel like this much of a scam I wouldn’t have bothered buying trash soda to try and get a code for my partner who can’t afford the expansion right now.
Having artificial scarcity built into the promotional codes only encourages scalpers using bots to pick up all the codes so they can sell them for a profit second hand.
Add to that all the bad PR this has already received for EU players having to jump through hoops to even get ANY of the rewards, I have to ask; how do you screw a promotion up this badly?
This doesn’t even cover the lack of any transparency or communication over how many codes are dropped each week.
The whole things feels like absolute garbage, and the worst part is people running this promotion are still getting paid so I’m positive nothing will be learned from this and future promotions will be just as terrible for the average user.
I’ve been a steady supporter of this game (and blizzard as a whole) for almost 30 years now, but I’m really starting to question my loyalty to a company that feels so grossly out of touch at almost every turn lately.