I am very pleased the lore in this game has been inconsistent very glad they are opening up priest rogues and mages. No reason a green orc can’t be a priest that uses shadow magic we saw this with the twilight hammer clan. Rogues should be universal and mages I mean awesome we have scholar tauren now.
And the ruination of distinct, meaningful framing and features continues.
That stopped mattering when they introduced playable foxes and smurf-elves.
This stopped mattering the moment lightforged draenei could be death knights.
Where was this announced?
Holinka announced it they are opening up more classes.
Pity it’ll only be those three for 10.0 and not the more sought after classes like Druids, Paladins, etc…
Pandaren need some recognition give them druids and night elves should either get paladins or shamans
Blizzard is going to make a fortune off race changes when some of these things go live.
I get that you’re into RP and “meaningful choices” in the game. There are probably others like you.
I think at the early onset of a game, players are willing to accept these restrictions but this game is just a few years short of 20. A whole new generation of players who don’t care about that stuff combined with players who just want to be able to customize and play whatever they want (lore be darned) means that these restrictions are going to be things of the past.
You may as well get used to it or look for another game that respects your choices.
Draenei rogue is a bit exciting. I also think they should open up pally to all races in the future!
Great good on them. It’s time to loosen up the restrictions I would of argued with this at one point but I don’t since shadowlands launched nothing made sense and I’m glad the developers recognized that and so loosened up restrictions
I really did not think that they would do this.
And honestly they can come up with new lore and give some more distinctive class lore as to why these classes are opening up
Come on all Paladins, we’re so close.
We are indeed I see excitement maybe class skins in the future
I’m ready for my Orcadian, Pandadin, and Vulperadin!!
Give it to maghar they need them orc paladins
Gimme ALL the druids.
Orc Druid sounds awesome.