About the NE (possible) 8:1 Kill Ratio in the WoT

Has she done that? I don’t recall Jaina even being able to pull that stunt? Or are we referring to Kadghar?

Something I find even worse is that Jaina was probably in Theramore raising her dad’s ship around the same time the Horde started marching, so she might have been wasting her time sailing towards Lordaeron without any reason to do so yet and missed the army that would have been in her rear view mirror.

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I did the math on this sometime back…


The images out of Elegy don’t seem to imply a smaller processing rate. As to Treefolk’s question - they could have been used to rush emergency troops in, but Blizzard didn’t want that because it would have interfered with destroying what I liked about this game and because Stormwind is a fairweather ally.

I think that it depends on how many troops the units that we see in game are meant to represent. She grabs Varian, the PC and all the Alliance troops inside Undercity during the Wrathgate event and teleports them out.

As Pellex notes she also teleports a bunch of Alliance troops during the Hyjal raid. And as you alluded to Khadgar grabs a bunch of people during the WoD opening and teleports them.

The interesting thing to what both Jaina and Khadgar do is that it is something that PC mages can’t do - i.e. forcibly teleport either unwilling targets (in the case of Varian in Undercity) or at the very least targets that are unaware they are about to be teleported (Khadgar in WoD). As opposed to PC mages and what we see in Elegy where a portal has to be opened and the person to be teleported has to physically enter the portal.

guys,you should have allready lvl 3 trust-lvl^^

Nah, to get level 3 trust, I’d have to read too many threads I’m just not interested in.

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You don’t actually have to read, just skim through them slowly enough that the page registers it’s been read.


Still more time than I care to spend just so I can post links. (shrug)

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I am pretty sure most of the old god stuff were new assets.

When was the last time your druid summoned rain? Not that any rain would have put out a fire fueled by that much magic… any more that rain would save a burning oil rig.

The last time I did the hurricane spell, I guess…

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They took t hat away from my Druid before BFA.

I know … I miss it. :cry:


There wasn’t much magic there. Shamans were only sending the wind, so that Ordinary fire would spread faster. That is it. It wasn’t some kind of magic fire from the pits of Mordor or something like that. Same druids in the same book also used the wind, to make ships drive faster.
So, that is pretty ironical, that the race that knows how to use and control the Nature, that has best owners of the Nature magic, was defeated by a such Nature thing like a forest fire…

C’mon, there was a moment in the book, where Sylvanas suggested to attack at night, so that Night Elves would not sleep… Lets not try to “wash” that horrible writing.

In the same book, when Malfurion showed up, there was thunder. Of course Malfurion forgot that when he was young, he managed to summon the storm that have killed thousands of demons. But it doesn’t mean that he and other druids can’t summon the rain. They just forgot how the nature works.


Not to mention that the priestesses have held power over water/ tides before using Elune’s magic. They should’ve been able to counter the fire (that apparently burns a living water- filled tree in the middle of an ocean) by calling on the tides to douse it.

Those shaman and magi should’ve taken a really really long time to conjure up that fire and should’ve been really powerful to pull that stunt without a focusing iris.

But screw logic cause it’s not the story they wanna tell.


I remember discussion on the board at the time where we said that the devs might have a somewhat exaggerated view of forest fires due to living in California. Or maybe their view is the correct one and those of us who don’t live in places where this is a big risk are the ones who don’t don’t appreciate how scary they are. But either way, there’s a disconnect which might be caused by our personal experience with fires.