About that white fox mount from Gilneas

Not to mention those dirtbag Gilneans hunt foxes.

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Absolutely right.

I got the outfit but not the mount. Is it a certain level?

Instant cast speed running wild, with some extra customization.

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I like the fox mounts a lot.

That would be cool. Even just make the mount we got bigger ( Worgen feet look like they are dragging the grass when riding it) and put an optional hat, haha!

Also, why are the ‘heritage outfits’ for Worgen male only type of clothing? Gwen Armstead from the starting area has a nice outfit that could be recolored a bit and look great for the females- with optional pant for males if wanted—check out her cool hat with lace! I’d love that on my Worgen ( male option- hide lace if wanted…

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I would’ve loved to have seen the fallout if it was just another horse…even though that is what Gilneas would ride.

And little cups of tea perched in front of them like a carrot on a stick

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The only horse with Gilnean livery is the pvp one, which most people will never get or see. A Gilnean mountain horse with livery & armor would’ve been perfect - they could’ve called it “Royal Gilnean Steed” or something.

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If it was a big, pure black Friesian stallion ( well muscled with 3 foot manes, long tails, feathered feet) with well designed epic barding ( the stuff knights horses wear) so, a new model, I do not think you would have gotten any complaints.

They could have done a huge white warhorse with pink heart barding for the Love event— win/win :purple_heart: :milky_way: :purple_heart:

I like that it’s a fox, I prefer foxes. :fox_face:

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The fox mount looks ridiculous with any race that isn’t a Gnome, Goblin or Vulpera. I don’t understand how Gilneans are supposed to ride a mount that tiny.

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PvP Gilnean Warhorse mount from Vicious Saddles is 100% more fitting.

Too bad only us PvPers can get that, lol.


What they should have done and what they settled on doing due to time/effort/money are completely different. They should do a lot of things that they don’t. But that’s okay because we are reasonable and understanding playerbase

They’re a multi-billion dollar company, we’re paying them $12.99 - $20/month, plus box price, plus putting up with a real money shop in-game.
It’s perfectly reasonable to expect quality, and it’s perfectly reasonable to be mad when qualitative standards aren’t met.

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