About Shadowlands…

Recently saw a vid a titled “Top 10 WORST Shadowlands Grinds”

The fact that this even exists shows how badly they dropped the ball with that expansion, and half of them didn’t even existed when I quit the game back then.

I was TIRED from the excessive grind and time gating, and it seems it only got worse, god I hope Blizzard learned to not mess up that badly again. (I didn’t played DF so idk)

Like a certain balding player that way too many people hate said “A bad game wastes your time, a good game makes you want to waste your time”

I really like this quote. Although time spent enjoying isn’t time wasted :wink:

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Shadowlands was bad, yes.

Its been 2 years, really more like 3 years since by the 2nd half most of it was much improved.

Maybe just let it go. Too much salt for extended periods of time can lead to high blood pressure.