About mythic plus leaving

Hey just wanted to leave my thought here, I completely agree with banning mythic plus leavers but we should also have a vote to disband option so we dont get banned

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leaving one or two groups isnt going to get you banned, further more im pretty sure if no one files a report they wont care.

The people who got banned probably had a ton of reports against them


oh I see good, not that I leave first cuz I always leave after someone else leaves but if there’s an option I thought it’d be better.

I remember back in season 1 dragonflight I made a post about this and people like tettles rebuked me for making this post.

I floated alot of ideas like voting system to either kick or disband and things like that but they all rejected saying that high level keys people leave all the time.

To this I suggested this only apply to like mythic 10s where just timing the key would give us a max ilevel slot in the vault.

They still rejected my idea and nothing happened and I took a hiatus from wow for like year and a half

You are not banned for leaving… you are banned for repeatedly and recklessly disrupting runs. People need to start reading why there is a punishment and stop assuming if you leave a group you get banned.

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This… all day