About Beta Access

A 15 year old re-release of a game that has been available on private servers for years definitely needs at least a year of beta testing.

Can’t tell if trolling or sarcasm

Sorry forgot to use my sarcasm font.

There was an interview around Blizzcon 2018 but I can’t find the quote, just podcasters repeating it.

The only mention of Blizzard not wanting a long beta period was from that leak that came out BEFORE BlizzCon.

The same leak that later we confirmed two out of the how many bullet points were false.

To be infinitely clear, the server component of Private Servers has absolutely no executable code in common with Blizzard’s implementation.

So not one iota of private server “run time” has any effect over testing the Blizzard code.

I guess was more comparing the resources involved with a private server running off of donations for several years vs a company like blizzard.

it just seems weird to me how old this game is and how long its taking them to release it. there is no content to create/no balancing/no designing. Its already made with #nochanges. They made the original announcement in 2017 for a game they already released 15 years ago.

There was an interview around Blizzcon 2018 but I can’t find the quote, just podcasters repeating it.

I’ve heard the “no normal blizzard beta” thing repeated several times and I’ve never seen a real source for it, and I watched all the interviews and blizzcon panels. Unless the streamers have been given inside info I think this is misinformation.

You haven’t been paying attention to their Dev Watercooler, Blizzcon Panels or any interviews then. They’re not simply booting up an old server and sending out the 1.12 client. They’re integrating the Classic changes into a Retail Client foundation, running on modern servers. The Vanilla component is the world data, textures and models. Its a vast porting effort to make sure that things line up, such as the fact that “no texture” was White in Vanilla, and people made use of that. “No texture” is purple in Retail, now, so all the places that the white was used instead of a texture need to be fixed. e.g. The Moonbrook lights looked purple when they first implemented it, because they were meant to be white and no texture was needed.

There’s a lot of work involved in making the old data conform to the new architecture and client model. That’s the work they’ve been doing, with a small team of dedicated people. They aren’t throwing the full resources of Blizzard at it, because they aren’t willing to run two entire MMOs side by side.

Fair enough. I thought I read it in an interview, but perhaps its just been repeated so often that it’s become ‘headcanon’.

If they had it on a classic ptr there would have to be a bunch of them

Or limit access like they do with the Expansion Alphas.

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You know if they do a beta it will only be Streamers who get access to it anyway, which is just annoying. I haven’t ever had the opportunity to participate in an early access sprint even before the whole ‘influencer king of pr’ nonsense started up.

If you look at the latest subdirectory changes within the WoW folder I think you’re probably right that it will be a selector within the WoW area of the launcher. I didn’t even notice the changes until I was resetting my UI a couple weeks back.

This is why it would be so beneficial to have it on the ptr. Everyone would have an opportunity to poke there head in and check it out. This is why I think it matters that it may be just a server option because then there would not be a selective beta.

Yeah PTR would be awesome for sure.

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What is the “no normal Blizzard Beta?” I have not heard of this.

Yeah, because phasing was so hard for Blizzard to implement.

What has “hard” got to do with it?

obviously over your head

Highly likely there will be a limited beta. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just provided beta access the demo players given blizzard was very happy with the level of feedback they received.