Hello everyone. Is it possible to forego this talent on my Dps DK or will it be a huge dps loss?
Single target, no. Anything AoE and can benefit from grip utility, yes (there probably isn’t another class talent that adds as much dps that isn’t already taken).
True. I really do not like the skill visually lol. It goes a bit well into the unholy theme but not for frost and blood.
Yeah I hated it at first and didn’t use it but it’s so good in BG, I can’t not take it.
And it’s a hit it and forget it ability in a way, it just does its thing while you keep doing yours.
The fact that it is locked behind one of the most underwhelming node that is Subdued Grasp making Abomination’s Limb effectively costing 2 talent points is actually grinding my gears.
I’ll still use it of course. I just wish I could use that one point elsewhere.
For frost its mainly just a utility spell, which I think is what blizz wanted it to be since they removed all the spec affects from it. For UH though I think it still does a good bit of damage for burst.
Don’t get me wrong, it is very very good for crowd control. You’ll probably want to have it for most m+ content and some raid encounters.
Imo its the silliest visual in the game. I love the effect, hate the visual.
If it changed to a snownado for my frostyk, I would be so happy.
My buddy calls it slap a** named after the key and Peele skit. Visual is really goofy
I dunno about the silliest, but yeah. It’s kinda ridiculous. I use it, but I wish I didn’t have to.
Pvp wise in bgs, must have. Arena it for sure can be passed for other talents in the general tree.
Pve wise, it is nice for mythic plus pugs, but with a coordinated group, not needed for every dungeon.
Agree. I do not like its visuals. plus not only do i do not like its visuals it also has the tendency to block visual effect of enemies skills lol.
How cool would it be if they tied abomination limb into death grip with a shorter active time?
Limb and Defile should be baseline anyway. The fact they aren’t is just silly.
So my DK is now Ilvl 607. I just did +3 Grim Batol and I supposedly did an average dps of 692k. I died on 3rd boss so it naturally lowered my dps. Is this low for my ilvl or just right? I still have not been using Abomination Limb.