Abomination Limb not able to be macro'd

Shows as a shadolands ability and says im in the wrong zone however if i put it in my bar it works. Hope this is addressed soon


Try swapping covenants to something other than necrolord and that will probably work since you won’t have two abilities (one covenant, one talent tree) with the same name.

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Not my problem…they still need to fix it…appreciate the help tho.

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I just noticed the same.
Wasn’t a problem until now, so it’s a brand new bug with the latest patch (10.0.5)

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hopefully this is fixxed

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I can’t use Abomination Limb in a macro either. Worked fine before the patch.

Shift clicking it from the spellbook into the macro seems to be working for me now, it now has “shadowlands” attached to the name. Was really fun discovering this in a solo shuffle lol
/cast Abomination Limb(Shadowlands)
/cast empower rune weapon


I’m having the same problem as well with abomination limb. :frowning:

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Yep just went and changed my covenant and my macro is working again, thanks