Abominable stitching constructs bugged

The constructs for necrolord abominable stitching weekly quests are not appearing when being summoned. This includes the Unity construct, who does not appear when asked to assist. This started happening after reset and I first noticed the problem occurring with Unity. The cast to summon each construct will fully complete with no UI error message yet nothing will appear.


Can confirm, trying to do mine right now and they’re not showing up.

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Same and its a quest that gives a appearance :face_exhaling:


Can confirm I am experiencing this also - I was able to summon and dismiss normally for a few quests, but after that it bugged out on me and the constructs no longer appear when summoned - either manually by visiting the Abominable Stitching Lab or through their quest tokens.

I also tried relogging, but it did not help.

Confirmed that I’m experiencing the same issue, whether summoned via quest item or asked to join me in person, the construct disappears. Makes the Chordy and Atticus quests, in particular, impossible to complete since you need their unique abilities/items to complete the quest objectives.

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Yes, it’s confirmed especially my character got level 61, when I mount on and move to next quest area, after landing and exactly found out the construct just disappeared… :frowning:

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After reaching level 61, anytime I ask a construct to assist me, it disappears. The action buttons for the construct never show up.

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Hopefully gets fixed soon would like to finish my achievement for doing all the quests…

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Unit or any of my constructs still do not spawn. Any solutions or hotfixes?

Another weekly reset US side, another week upping this post since the Stitchyard still isn’t fixed.

Still bugged.

This bites, have the last appearance I need on my DK up and it is on a quest you NEED the construct with you.

same issue, sent in a ticket and got the generic reply, sent another ticket and still haven’t received a reply…

You won’t get any meaningful reply if this is a bug. GMs don’t fix bugs, and they don’t even acknowledge them unless the developers tell them to.