Well final straw from me.
ZERO action from bliz.. absolutely nothing but excuses since launch.
Soo many bugs with things like warfronts not closing and being forced to take 30 min desereter to this issue with 3-5 sec SERVER SIDE lag on actions.
Blizzard is not the Blizzard of old.
They used to care about the players, now they only care about the shareholders.
I haven't played in a little over 3 weeks so I wasted my $16 and my sub runs out on the 20th. I wanted to play BFA but something somewhere is telling me no because when I play it's like watching popcorn pop...slowly. I know this issue will never be 100% remedied so I feel a little better knowing I have nothing to return to.
Yep, I've quit aswell... here we are over 2 months later and they still haven't fixed the issue... it's like they just don't care anymore.
10/16/2018 04:53 PMPosted by ErasedWell i have put up with it for months and after another maintenance event last night I'm over it !!10 seconds to pick a herb?? every arvo? I will post that here as well,it's not clouding the issue.So mayby if we said we are all expat yanks they might look into it?
I have complained numerous times about this and will keep doing so.
So take a hike hoot!
You are better posting it as a separate post, it will be swallowed up here in the lag issue this post refers to.
Yeah,sorry about that everyone-was just angry about it is all.
I was doing the TW dungeons yesterday and every time I loaded into a dungeon my latency was through the roof. Even lagging at what is usually still a playable level I found that my casting was not refreshing and I seemed to be just standing not attacking. I only dc'd once, but it was more than frustrating not being able to hit my shots and interrupts.
One dungeon I was in with Oceanic players yet remained at my usual US latency of 285 'ish. It was laggy and difficult, but then at one stage I reached the Oceanic 29 'ish ms. That didn't seem to last long and I was soon high in latency again.
It was like I was swinging back and forth between the US and Oceanic realms. I live in Aus but play on a US server, so I do notice the difference when I go xrealm.
One dungeon I was in with Oceanic players yet remained at my usual US latency of 285 'ish. It was laggy and difficult, but then at one stage I reached the Oceanic 29 'ish ms. That didn't seem to last long and I was soon high in latency again.
It was like I was swinging back and forth between the US and Oceanic realms. I live in Aus but play on a US server, so I do notice the difference when I go xrealm.
This thread should be renamed. This issue is not exclusive to oceanic realms.
I play on a realm located in US and the ability lag is horrenduos. Each button press has around 0.5 to 1 full second delay before its casted in-game. AND my latency indicator is showing both normal values for home/world.
Sometimes the issue goes away, but quickly it returns. Which indicates it's a problem on blizzard's end, not ours.
Playing feels horrible. I'm playing fury warrior and beastmaster hunter on this xpac and both specs feel atrocious to play. It sucks all the enjoyment of a fluid rotation, since it randomly alters the speed and responsiveness of all abilites. This is making the game not fun at all.
Once my sub time runs out I'm not renewing due to this issue. Once of the most serious issues I had in this game in years.
I play on a realm located in US and the ability lag is horrenduos. Each button press has around 0.5 to 1 full second delay before its casted in-game. AND my latency indicator is showing both normal values for home/world.
Sometimes the issue goes away, but quickly it returns. Which indicates it's a problem on blizzard's end, not ours.
Playing feels horrible. I'm playing fury warrior and beastmaster hunter on this xpac and both specs feel atrocious to play. It sucks all the enjoyment of a fluid rotation, since it randomly alters the speed and responsiveness of all abilites. This is making the game not fun at all.
Once my sub time runs out I'm not renewing due to this issue. Once of the most serious issues I had in this game in years.
10/18/2018 02:48 AMPosted by MizdiréktI was doing the TW dungeons yesterday and every time I loaded into a dungeon my latency was through the roof. Even lagging at what is usually still a playable level I found that my casting was not refreshing and I seemed to be just standing not attacking. I only dc'd once, but it was more than frustrating not being able to hit my shots and interrupts.
One dungeon I was in with Oceanic players yet remained at my usual US latency of 285 'ish. It was laggy and difficult, but then at one stage I reached the Oceanic 29 'ish ms. That didn't seem to last long and I was soon high in latency again.
It was like I was swinging back and forth between the US and Oceanic realms. I live in Aus but play on a US server, so I do notice the difference when I go xrealm.
Different issue. Would suggest post in seperate post to attract more attention.
I havent logged into the BFA zones for nearly 4 weeks now. Just log in to play the AH. I am really sad that this hasnt been fixed and will likely not renew my sub.
Each of my friends have gradually stopped playing because this issue makes doing anything in BFA zones a massive chore and it isnt fun.
Each of my friends have gradually stopped playing because this issue makes doing anything in BFA zones a massive chore and it isnt fun.
Same issue here -> about 380ms to 500ms in game idle in boralas, when doing dungeons, latency spikes to 3000ms+! Unplayable .. speedtest and ping test everywhere else returns fine, also tried a US server (blackrock) and same issue there. Been like this for a week now.
- barthilas oceanic server
- barthilas oceanic server
Toshy, that is not the same issue as the players in this thread are talking about. If you can see your latency in game numerically, it's not what we're talking about here and you should start your own thread.
As previously, I still don't have much more to share, but we are pretty sure we know what the problem is and are still working on it. Once we get a fix together we'll get it out as soon as we can.
As previously, I still don't have much more to share, but we are pretty sure we know what the problem is and are still working on it. Once we get a fix together we'll get it out as soon as we can.
It's only been 2 months. Take your time.
I quit about two or three weeks ago and the chances of me coming back, even if this does get fixed, are now nearly non-existant.
As preciously
So will blizzard give Oceanic a special Brawl considering this week is TM .. and well.. what can you actually do with 7000 world MS
10/19/2018 01:26 AMPosted by KryptoknifeSo will blizzard give Oceanic a special Brawl considering this week is TM .. and well.. what can you actually do with 7000 world MS
All the raids in stop motion animation :P
10/18/2018 07:42 PMPosted by DrakulothToshy, that is not the same issue as the players in this thread are talking about. If you can see your latency in game numerically, it's not what we're talking about here and you should start your own thread.
As previously, I still don't have much more to share, but we are pretty sure we know what the problem is and are still working on it. Once we get a fix together we'll get it out as soon as we can.
No need to panic....next expansion isn't that far away now.
Like i've said a few times. blizzard don't give 2 !@#$s about OCE we are a very small minority of there player base and they already got our $$$ for the xpac and a few months of sub (along with all the $$$ from us before this xpac.)
They are all about the $$$.
They are all about the $$$.
You know that .gif where the paper leaves the printer and goes straight into the shredder below it?
That's what is set up in the office space of the realm backend devs and engineers right now.
That's what is set up in the office space of the realm backend devs and engineers right now.