Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

This isn't an Australia only problem. Here in LATAM we have the same issue, at least they say something here...
09/03/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Edit: We've requested the issue be investigated further. Please check out the newest post [url="https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767557791?page=37#post-730"]here[/url].

Hey all,

I've been keeping my eye on the situation here and with the investigation while I was away, and wanted to follow up with you all on what we’ve found. Because these problems tend to be clustered around certain times, it took us some time to get all the testing done.

We took a look over a lot of these winMTRs and had our Quality Assurance team try to reproduce the issue in real-time on your servers. We haven’t seen any server instability which would be causing this on our end, and when we went in to test, we didn’t find the same issue you all have been reporting, even when we actively joined the same shard some of you were on while reporting issues.

Based on the more recent MTRs that have been posted, we're not seeing much of a pattern in routing outside of some local connectivity issues. We're seeing some packet loss and increases in latency along the route in some examples, but nothing that is consistent between each report. I'm disappointed that I don't have better news here guys, but we just weren't able to reproduce this. It may be best to try troubleshooting these individually.


troubleshooting these indivdually??? is that a !@#$ing joke??? just log on during peak time and read chat and you will see people continually complain about the lag
Just reading some of this... are we 100% sure that this is tied, in someway, with the extreme lag/latency issue with the ah/gulld bank/vender on high/full pop servers? When they are phasing to a US server that is having those issues, typically during peak days/times.
09/04/2018 06:05 AMPosted by Gurukaos
Just reading some of this... are we 100% sure that this is tied, in someway, with the extreme lag/latency issue with the ah/gulld bank/vender on high/full pop servers? When they are phasing to a US server that is having those issues, typically during peak days/times.
No. The issues here on our Oceanic realms are spell casting lag, looting lag, all out in the open world on Warmode or off warmode.
Really regret resubbing and buying the expansion. Can't even play it properly ...

Spells don't go of. Looting takes forever. There is even lag with getting quests from NPC.

The expansion zones are practically unplayable.
Extreme Lag event, Arathi Highlands after warfronts have gone live.

Is it due to numbers of people online and the ability of the hardware to handle such loads?
So what do we do now? Wait and just deal with it?
So do these guys even play the game?

Just log into the game in peak times, and get back to us with what you see.

I do all 6 zone WQ's every afternoon after work and all 6 zones chat is filled with "what's up with this lag?" ...forget about moving stuff to guild bank after that.

Please at least someone who works within your company jump onto a toon and do some snooping around.

I will be very,very interested to hear what you have to say.
Last night was the first time since launch that a particular zone didn't lag. But I'm guessing that was just luck.

Every single night there has been at least one zone that will lag horribly. Usually it was Drustvar but it was intermittent.

Also had instances where there was no lag and then we would get server hopped which caused us to miss out on looting corpses and re-spawn all the mobs around us. Then we would lag.

We changed which zone we leveled in each night depending on which one wasn't lagging. It was a lottery.

General chat is filled with people complaining about lag. Just brushing that off as "we can't find it guys, it must be you" is pretty silly. How about you just log in and ask in general chat if anyone is lagging, see what response you get.
Its STILL lagging terribly since release and blizzard cant reproduce the lag. Wtf?
I'm not resubbing, this game in this state is not worth my time or money.
09/03/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Lantrasau
We took a look over a lot of these winMTRs and had our Quality Assurance team try to reproduce the issue in real-time on your servers. We haven’t seen any server instability which would be causing this on our end, and when we went in to test, we didn’t find the same issue you all have been reporting, even when we actively joined the same shard some of you were on while reporting issues.

The issue only happens in BfA zones. All previous expansion areas are perfectly fine.
Only happens in world content (doing WQs).
Not in dungeons or island expeditions.

The problem also only happens during our Peak Time. Which is from approx 5pm to 11pm AEST (Server time aka Sydney/Melbourne time).
Which is from Midnight Cali time to 6am Cali time.

When the problem happens both general chat, and trade (if people are in the cities of BfA) have many people commenting on the issues when it is happening.
09/03/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Edit: We've requested the issue be investigated further. Please check out the newest post [url="https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767557791?page=37#post-730"]here[/url].

Hey all,

I've been keeping my eye on the situation here and with the investigation while I was away, and wanted to follow up with you all on what we’ve found. Because these problems tend to be clustered around certain times, it took us some time to get all the testing done.

We took a look over a lot of these winMTRs and had our Quality Assurance team try to reproduce the issue in real-time on your servers. We haven’t seen any server instability which would be causing this on our end, and when we went in to test, we didn’t find the same issue you all have been reporting, even when we actively joined the same shard some of you were on while reporting issues.

Based on the more recent MTRs that have been posted, we're not seeing much of a pattern in routing outside of some local connectivity issues. We're seeing some packet loss and increases in latency along the route in some examples, but nothing that is consistent between each report. I'm disappointed that I don't have better news here guys, but we just weren't able to reproduce this. It may be best to try troubleshooting these individually.


Clearly not doing your job right cause there definitely lag, did you even log in and play? or are you just saying all this for deniability sake? do your job and fix the servers instead of waiting for people to quit.
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Horrible Lag still going on in Stromsong Valley, Frostmourne, 4:13pm server time
I hadn't been bothering to check this thread as we're just all dealing with it. The responses are laughable. How can they possibly not be receiving lag when the whole server is crying about lag? Did you actually go to the zones that are lagging? Are the people testing it in Australia? Are you testing at peak?

Hot tip, How about you logon and try right now? Stormsong on Nagrand is woeful
how is it this long into a launch the server are that bad? and nothing has been done. Since launch iv been having spike up to 700ms while my home stays around 22ms. The worst thing is its the dung server that are worst for me, not that the open world is any better
Are the people testing it in Australia? Are you testing at peak?

THIS is what I want to know.
There has long been a problem where you join a group hosted on a US server, you get sent to that US server and never return - but here's the thing. I play several characters ON the US servers - the ones that are the furthest from Australia, in fact, the Chicago ones. And while yes, there's some delay because latency is about 200ms, they play fine.

On my Oceanic server meanwhile, I'm playing at 12ms and it feels great, and has since those servers launched - but since Legion, grouping with a US person for a world quest has meant a "world" latency reading jump to anywhere from 160ms to 250ms, but the ACTUAL latency being way, way higher - suddenly things are happening like taking 5 seconds to loot one item, being stuck at the end of flight paths hovering in the air, etc etc. It's so bad I now leave mandatory-group world quests to last so I can do them and get hit with the lag then hearth to my WoD garrison which seems to immediately put me back on Oceanic again.

Anyway, the lag when this out-in-the-world thing happens - WITHOUT joining a group - feels exactly the same. It's like we're being sent to a US server, but that connection is going via an intermediary server that's slowing everything down. The end result is that it doesn't seem like the usual 160-250ms to the US. It feels like 5000.

This has been a long standing problem (YEARS long now) with the way grouping from Oceanic to US servers has worked - but this is the first time it's affected world content as well WITHOUT grouping.

Well, the first time since Oceanic server capacity was massively increased shortly after the WoD launch disaster. I do wonder whether they rolled capacity back again during that 15+ hour Oceanic-only maintenance just before BfA...
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09/03/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Lantrasau

I'm disappointed that I don't have better news here guys, but we just weren't able to reproduce this. It may be best to try troubleshooting these individually.


09/03/2018 08:59 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Hey guys, while I can't promise anything at this time, we've once again pushed this to the quality assurance team. It seemed really weird to us, and we agree that the behavior doesn't add up for individual user or ISP issues, so we're trying some different reproduction steps. I know we've been asking for a lot of tests, but we'd like to have as much information as possible for users having issues after the time of this post. The next time you see the issue, please post another winMTR so we can have more examples of the issue being ongoing.

I know this has been a really frustrating process so far, and apologize for all the confusion on the way. We hope to have some more useful updates going forward.


I'm very disappointed.

For more than 2 weeks we have been commenting on this problem. We aren't imagining it. We aren't making it up or lying about it. This is a REAL issue which is pushing people either out of BfA or out of the game altogether.

And you are telling me that a multi-billion dollar business that presumably hires professionals CANNOT FIGURE THIS OUT?? Are you serious?

We have given you the conditions constantly over that time.

* It only happens in BfA zones, not in zones for previous expansions
* It happens out in levelling zones
* It spikes at certain times - e.g. morning our time is generally good, afternoon/evening our time is generally bad.
* It causes lag in certain activities - looting, fishing, mining, herbing, fighting, etc.
* there is no drop in player ms or a spike in player latency.

This is what is happening. If your techs aren't working out based on all the information we have given you, perhaps you need to consider either trying something else or getting better techs. Because this is a real problem and were it to happen on your larger US servers, it would be a total melt down.
HORRENDOUS lag out in Arathi atm. you know how when you get phased you lag until the game connects you to the other shard? well its like that happens every couple seconds. MAYBE JUST MAYBE your shard juggling is the issue. attacking a rare with like 10 other people is horrendously bad and then you fly away and feel fine again.