Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

This isn't an Australia only problem. Here in Singapore we have the best internet in the region and it still lags. I even asked in general chat if anyone was lagging and they all have the same problem as me. The problem definitely does not lie with ISPs.

Also, sharding is a huge problem as well. It may be nice for Blizzard to have a function to let OCE players opt out of NA shards as this would cause major latency issues and affect the performance of the player.
When you've got stuff like this going on, no wonder you're having issues. Here's a snippet of general chat in Drustvar about 20 mins ago from a Frostmourne (OCE) perspective.


We have Turalyon server represented here, a server based in Chicago - https://wow.gamepedia.com/Battlegroup_US_Stormstrike

Also we have Korgath, a server based in LA - https://wow.gamepedia.com/Battlegroup_US_Vengeance

OCE, US West and US East. Pick one Blizzard, this is terrible to play on.
went from 90-150ms singapore

Right now my server, Nagrand OCE is being actively sharded with Hyjal (US server) and Greymane (US server)


You cant replicate the issue because you are in the same datacentre area as the other US servers.

Your US servers are loaded so your are sharding them onto our servers and that's where the lag is coming from.
Its really strange that the last two blue posts kind of contradict each other yet its the same author.
WTF is happening with issue?
Seems like its being handled by staff who are not skilled enough to understand what the ten's of thousands of players are experiencing on Oce servers.

This needs to be put in the right Blizzard department...
09/03/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Edit: We've requested the issue be investigated further. Please check out the newest post [url="https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767557791?page=37#post-730"]here[/url].

Hey all,

I've been keeping my eye on the situation here and with the investigation while I was away, and wanted to follow up with you all on what we’ve found. Because these problems tend to be clustered around certain times, it took us some time to get all the testing done.

We took a look over a lot of these winMTRs and had our Quality Assurance team try to reproduce the issue in real-time on your servers. We haven’t seen any server instability which would be causing this on our end, and when we went in to test, we didn’t find the same issue you all have been reporting, even when we actively joined the same shard some of you were on while reporting issues.

Based on the more recent MTRs that have been posted, we're not seeing much of a pattern in routing outside of some local connectivity issues. We're seeing some packet loss and increases in latency along the route in some examples, but nothing that is consistent between each report. I'm disappointed that I don't have better news here guys, but we just weren't able to reproduce this. It may be best to try troubleshooting these individually.


So multiple people from multiple countries using a variety of different ISP's all playing on different systems have the exact same issue but it's not on your end despite the fact that the only common element is, in fact, your servers. I was on the fence about cancelling my sub but this bull!@#$ response has pushed me over the edge. It's a shamne too as I was really enjoying the game when it was playable. And then you say you'll send it on back to the QA folks like you're doing us some big favour, QA folks who are probably US based logging on outside of peak times when the lag actually happens. That's bull!@#$. I would expect this sort of garbage from a company like EA but not Blizzard. I suppose I should thank you though, that's $16 a month that's better off in my pocket.
09/03/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Edit: We've requested the issue be investigated further. Please check out the newest post [url="https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767557791?page=37#post-730"]here[/url].

Hey all,

I've been keeping my eye on the situation here and with the investigation while I was away, and wanted to follow up with you all on what we’ve found. Because these problems tend to be clustered around certain times, it took us some time to get all the testing done.

We took a look over a lot of these winMTRs and had our Quality Assurance team try to reproduce the issue in real-time on your servers. We haven’t seen any server instability which would be causing this on our end, and when we went in to test, we didn’t find the same issue you all have been reporting, even when we actively joined the same shard some of you were on while reporting issues.

Based on the more recent MTRs that have been posted, we're not seeing much of a pattern in routing outside of some local connectivity issues. We're seeing some packet loss and increases in latency along the route in some examples, but nothing that is consistent between each report. I'm disappointed that I don't have better news here guys, but we just weren't able to reproduce this. It may be best to try troubleshooting these individually.


1. On scale 1-10 your customer service is around minus 10
2. This response is basically "We know its an issue on our end but its easier to blame 10000+ other people. We'll just keep our head deep in the sand"
3. Can you please explain why none of us is having the same issue at the same time in Stormwind for example?

Thank you,
Paying "fan"
09/03/2018 08:59 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Hey guys, while I can't promise anything at this time, we've once again pushed this to the quality assurance team. It seemed really weird to us, and we agree that the behavior doesn't add up for individual user or ISP issues, so we're trying some different reproduction steps. I know we've been asking for a lot of tests, but we'd like to have as much information as possible for users having issues after the time of this post. The next time you see the issue, please post another winMTR so we can have more examples of the issue being ongoing.

I know this has been a really frustrating process so far, and apologize for all the confusion on the way. We hope to have some more useful updates going forward.


Thank you for taking the time to respond, very much appreciated.
09/03/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Edit: We've requested the issue be investigated further. Please check out the newest post [url="https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20767557791?page=37#post-730"]here[/url].

Hey all,

I've been keeping my eye on the situation here and with the investigation while I was away, and wanted to follow up with you all on what we’ve found. Because these problems tend to be clustered around certain times, it took us some time to get all the testing done.

We took a look over a lot of these winMTRs and had our Quality Assurance team try to reproduce the issue in real-time on your servers. We haven’t seen any server instability which would be causing this on our end, and when we went in to test, we didn’t find the same issue you all have been reporting, even when we actively joined the same shard some of you were on while reporting issues.

Based on the more recent MTRs that have been posted, we're not seeing much of a pattern in routing outside of some local connectivity issues. We're seeing some packet loss and increases in latency along the route in some examples, but nothing that is consistent between each report. I'm disappointed that I don't have better news here guys, but we just weren't able to reproduce this. It may be best to try troubleshooting these individually.


How is it I can be in Stormsong, watch my animation take 1-2 secs to go off, loot take 2 seconds, then immediately log off that toon, log into a vanilla area on another toon on the same server and HAVE NO LAG AT ALL?!?!

Explain how that's my issue and not yours? Don't worry, I'll wait 9 days again. ;)
09/03/2018 07:48 PMPosted by Lantrasau

We took a look over a lot of these winMTRs and had our Quality Assurance team try to reproduce the issue in real-time on your servers. We haven’t seen any server instability which would be causing this on our end, and when we went in to test, we didn’t find the same issue you all have been reporting, even when we actively joined the same shard some of you were on while reporting issues.

Ask them to jump on right now. Is happening on Dath'remar, Khazgoroth and Frostmourne right this very minute. Has been constant lag spikes for about the last 20 minutes.
09/04/2018 01:59 AMPosted by Xaviersteele

Ask them to jump on right now. Is happening on Dath'remar, Khazgoroth and Frostmourne right this very minute. Has been constantly lag spikes for about the last 20 minutes.

Can confirm, had lag in Stormsong on Khaz, said !@#$ it and started leveling an alt.
Leveling my paladin on Khaz'garoth, no grouping at all, just solo and getting lag during peak time.
40 home/world.
Trying to lvl a monk but the lag in stormsong valley is terrible. Latency is fine to all other internet sites. Guess blocking the voice component in firewall didn't fix the problem.

Looking forward to the day that I no longer have to tab out of the game to come and complain about LAG! As others have said, this appears to be a Blizzard problem.
Can confirm the lag is only present on peak hours
Experiencing the same issues. Lag after a period of time without phasing. War mode on and off, same effect. What will it take to convince you Blizz? Do you need recorded footage of it?

Where did your testers conduct their testing from? You should be using oceanic testers.
I posted a while back.. but running Wireshark during the issue clearly shoes 300-500ms between packets received from the WoW server, despite in game latency showing 65ms.

Surely Blizz have some staff in the region that can perform basic tests like this?
Ill bet they did their testing in the US and not here..because if they had done it here theyd see it with their own eyes
It may be best to try troubleshooting these individually.

1 hour later

We agree that the behavior doesn't add up for individual user or ISP issues.

This fills me with so much confidence this problem will be fixed in a speedy fashion.

Feel sick about rewarding you with $34 so i could escape the worst of the lag on Frostmourne, Cael still lags every now and then but Frostmourne borders on unplayable most of the time.
Just throwing in a post to say i am experiencing the same issues as all other commentators; when world questing I'm experiencing significant latency issues (delays in movement, casts, freezing etc) although my home & world ms remain unchanged.

It is, as most people have commented, most prevalent during peak hours, but can also occur when there is just a lot of people at a particular world quest. The lag is strictly in Kul'Tiras / Zandalar zones, and does not carry over into dungeon instances.

Switching off Warmode (as suggested earlier in the thread) does not help at all - in fact i'd even suggest it feels worse.

I'm not network savvy, but it feels like this is some sort of issue associated with sharding and, more specifically, sharding players from US and OCE realms together.

The only thing i can say for certain is that,
... It may be best to try troubleshooting these individually.
is completely and utterly useless advice, as it is not an 'individual' issue.
09/03/2018 09:04 PMPosted by Aussy
09/03/2018 08:59 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Hey guys, while I can't promise anything at this time, we've once again pushed this to the quality assurance team. It seemed really weird to us, and we agree that the behavior doesn't add up for individual user or ISP issues, so we're trying some different reproduction steps. I know we've been asking for a lot of tests, but we'd like to have as much information as possible for users having issues after the time of this post. The next time you see the issue, please post another winMTR so we can have more examples of the issue being ongoing.

I know this has been a really frustrating process so far, and apologize for all the confusion on the way. We hope to have some more useful updates going forward.


Lantrasau, can you explain why we don't lag in old world content. Lag only happens in BFA zones and not in dungeons?

If it was our connections, we would lag everywhere correct? Just with that little bit of information you can tell it's not on our end.

Could you also explain why the control I took in my post (Friday) and the Lag post (Sunday) weren't significantly different? Do you need us to do more control testing then compare them to lag?