08/28/2018 05:01 AMPosted by
They definitely know the cause by now.
They are just not acting on it, they will just wait and let oceanic numbers go down naturally. Rather than investing in hardware from this decade.
Oceanic servers are tiny in comparison to the big NA ones. Even frostmourne which is our biggest is 12th overall in terms of population in NA.
We are using older poorer hardware that cant even cope with a launch population a fraction of what NA gets.
It's not the dark ages anymore. I highly doubt the instances run on physical hardware, it's far too inefficient and expensive. Everything would be virtualized in a data center. I suspect this is a networking issue caused by particular or erroneous coding.
EDIT: What Matsujin said lol
Week 3 begins, and from 9am, the servers are already beginning to stumble and falter.
I realise you guys are a small indy dev company with limited resources, but this is a REALLY bad look for a company. Surely you've got enough shekels in the bank to splash a bit on improving the hardware deficiencies to make the game better for your "fans".
How about it Blizzard?
can we please get an update from blizzard?
I mean, sometimes the server lag is so bad, mobs simply stand there doing nothing until I kill them.
I still take damage though, since I am a shaman.
08/28/2018 05:01 AMPosted by
They definitely know the cause by now.
They are just not acting on it, they will just wait and let oceanic numbers go down naturally. Rather than investing in hardware from this decade.
Oceanic servers are tiny in comparison to the big NA ones. Even frostmourne which is our biggest is 12th overall in terms of population in NA.
We are using older poorer hardware that cant even cope with a launch population a fraction of what NA gets.
Older hardware isn't a thing really any more. Blizzard more than likely runs the servers as VMs, on leased hardware that is almost certainly not outdated. These would grow and shrink as necessary to meet pop demands, so I doubt very much that this is to do with server population.
Likely it is some new process running since BfA launched, that is causing the server load.
Servers are enormously complex and I promise you that they have a lot of system engineers trying to figure out exactly what the issue is. I do not envy the poor sods who have to go through the logs looking for the issue.
I do not envy them but it is what they're getting paid to do.
I work in a hosting company and if our servers were like this, our customers would be getting refunds for services not provided.
I just came back from a break for BfA and have been enjoying the game immensely. I'm really digging Kul Tiras, the story, the setting, the aesthetics, the music, its all really drawn me back in.
Which is why it's so frustrating to have to say that I'll be pausing my leveling experience until this issue is sorted out, however long that takes. I'd like my experience getting to 120 to be more of "Man, the atmosphere is on point this xpac" and less "Activate spell ... wait ... watch gcd turn ... wait ... spell activates ... click enemy corpse ... wait ... wait ... wait ... wait ... loot."
I'll be back once this is fixed since, as I said, I've been really enjoying the expansion when it's been playable. Sadly, those moments are now almost non-existent. I'll be on the couch playing Monster Hunter World.
Edit to add:
Playing on Khaz'goroth. Latency is always ~30ms home and world.
This morning (Caelestrasz) time, the game was fine, smooth and casting was just as I'd expect. But within the last hour (thats 1-3pm) it has started the familiar lagging, slowing down of casts, laggier minding nodes, etc.
OK, and its back again, starting at approximately 5pm on Caelestraz near Bridgeport. Took 8 seconds to collect a quest item. If anything, it seems to actually be getting worse.
My sub lapses in a little over an hour. I'm letting it drop until I see some kind of resolution by Blizzard.
Two weeks of this with little to no word on a resolution and customer service going DAYS without communicating to us about the status of what is going on (and calling it communicating is a stretch) is enough to make me take my money elsewhere for the time being.
For the rest of you, good luck battling the lag monster. Hopefully they're able to fix it and I can rejoin you in conquering Zandalar and Kul Tiras!
08/29/2018 01:29 AMPosted by
Two weeks of this with little to no word on a resolution and customer service going DAYS without communicating to us about the status of what is going on (and calling it communicating is a stretch)
What, isn't a post every 3 days that consists of "we're still looking into it" not enough for you? ;)
The day we got our first blue post after a week + was the day I sent BlizzardCS this thread on Twitter. They ignored it completely, didn't even give the usual "thanks we're looking into it" response, just straight up ignored it. I asked them again, got ignored, so I started replying to every help request they got till they finally responded.
You know what I got told?
August 23rd "The thread has been passed on to our engineers to look at. From our understanding, the latency issues should have improved after server restarts this week."
"The issue has been escalated and our engineers are looking into it."
So instead of you know, checking the thread that was constantly being updated with "we're lagging it's not fixed", they just assumed it was and never came back until they were pestered. Then they try to play it off as, we're still looking into it, that's why we weren't communicating, instead of the truth that was they assumed it was fixed and never bothered checking.
Vol'dun is unplayable tonight :(
Lots of areas are fine though. Plus talking to guildies WarMode being ON is fine too. But with it OFF Vol'dun is rubbish
08/29/2018 01:29 AMPosted by
My sub lapses in a little over an hour. I'm letting it drop until I see some kind of resolution by Blizzard.
Two weeks of this with little to no word on a resolution and customer service going DAYS without communicating to us about the status of what is going on (and calling it communicating is a stretch) is enough to make me take my money elsewhere for the time being.
For the rest of you, good luck battling the lag monster. Hopefully they're able to fix it and I can rejoin you in conquering Zandalar and Kul Tiras!
My sub lapsed last weekend and it won't be renewed until I hear that this problem has been fixed.
So to those of you still trying to endure the lag, thanks for keeping this thread updated. Maybe there are more lurkers reading the thread who would like to come back and play, but just won't pay for such bed server performance.
This has now been happening for two weeks and there's still no word on what the problem is even after all the information provided.
I understand in the grand scheme of things, it's a small amount of information to work with, but is the player base meant to find the cause problems for the technical department?
Surely two weeks could've given you SOMETHING to work with.
08/28/2018 03:39 AMPosted by
These morons at Blizzard love to force CRZ / Sharding in current content, no wonder why the servers are having issues, cost cutting to the extreme. Screw this game and screw Blizzard I'm over it all.
seriously you think this adds anything to the current situation...
feel free to unsub with that winning attitude
WTF do you expect, this has been ongoing, and it's 100% on the Blizzard side of things. When I'm forced into a CRZ / Shard it's when the lag happens. Blizzard couldn't give 2 !@#$s why should I ?
You can be sure this lag is caused by CRZ / Sharding since when I'm around people from Jubei / Gundrak i don't get the lag at all. When i start seeing all the Oceanic realms in a zone I know I'm in for a bad time. This is with Warmode off.
Blizzard appear to be taking the "head in the sand" approach to this issue. It would be nice if they'd take the "customer first" approach they're so fond of telling everyone they take and inform us exactly what they're doing to resolve these issues, and when we can expect it to be done.
540+ posts over 12 days and still no fix.
If my company did this to their customers, we'd be broke and our names mud in our industry.
After 15 years, I'm over it. My sub expires in 2 weeks. If it's not fixed by then, my WoW days are over. I know Oceania is just a small drop in the Blizzard pond so it probably won't make much difference. I'm very disappointed :(
the lag spikes strike back!
This issue is a pretty basic problem.
Working as an access engineer in telecommunications i see it consistently.
Blizzard does not currently have enough server capacity to maintain the oceanic player base on their shard system.
The servers / shards are congested as all hell.
Remember the days before oceanic servers? They wanted to do a deal with Telstra but it costed too much money so they had to wait.
This is basically the issue now, they have the servers, the BFA launch in oceanic was larger than expected and now they need more bandwidth to feed the servers.
They don't want to spend the money and rather than pay for a higher tier bandwidth plan they are waiting for the player base to thin out back to standard numbers that they had towards mid/end of legion when most likely the oceanic player base was much lower than it currently is.
Playing on Nagrand
Only played in stormsong valley for about 2h had a constant 3-5sec delay on all actions. My ping was constant between 45 - 55
| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| ARCHER_D5 - 0 | 6042 | 6042 | 0 | 1 | 146 | 3 |
| No response from host - 100 | 1210 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| mdr-ip24-int.msc.global-gateway.net.nz - 100 | 1212 | 2 | 0 | 21 | 22 | 21 |
| ae8-10.akbr6.global-gateway.net.nz - 0 | 6038 | 6038 | 19 | 22 | 2687 | 27 |
| ae7-2.akbr7.global-gateway.net.nz - 0 | 6039 | 6039 | 20 | 22 | 1523 | 49 |
| xe0-0-0.sgbr3.global-gateway.net.nz - 1 | 6035 | 6034 | 44 | 47 | 2479 | 47 |
| ae7-10.sebr4.global-gateway.net.nz - 0 | 6039 | 6039 | 45 | 48 | 2133 | 104 |
| 55497.syd.equinix.com - 1 | 5953 | 5931 | 45 | 48 | 2400 | 48 |
| - 1 | 5961 | 5941 | 45 | 48 | 2726 | 48 |
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
I have been noticing bad lag and FPS. I normally have been getting around 25ms Home & World, but in the last 2 weeks, it has been climbing and dropping all over the place. It is now averaging around 80ms H/W. The looting and quests collecting and handing in is appalling. I even went and spent quite a bit on a new graphics card, as I though that it was a bit old and getting "tired" So I replaced my GTX760 2GB card, with a GTX1060 6GB OC Windforce Card. This has made absolutely no difference. I also bought and installed KillPing (on recommendation from a friend) which is a joke, so more money wasted there, as they will not refund my money until I join in a TeamViewer meeting lol.
For gods sake Blizzard, get this fixed yesterday!! Not fun to play at all right now :(
System: i7 Windows 10 16GB ram memory and GTX1060.
To reply to Iskrah's post: If they don't start spending some of the millions they make from us, on fixing this, which I feel is more important than other "projects" that are FUN .. they will start losing subs pretty quickly :(
And I also feel the same as Magennta. I am starting to feel like cancelling my sub also.