Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

There are three hunderds posts of this problem on the forum, but Blizzard still gave no response. The games in the BFA zones are still unplayble. I am begining to retreat my motivation if this proble still cannot be fixed.
I came back on to find that once again my gameplay was a crap experience. MS and latency are fine but looting, mounting, collecting, fighting, it feels like I should have 1000 world latency.

Nagrand, playing in Nazmir, non-Warmode.

Why has nothing been done? What has no official information been provided? How hard is it to tell us something is being done?

How many people are going to just stop logging on and go find something far less frustrating to do with their time...

I am soon going to be one of those.
Same on Dalaran NA
I pay good money to play this game and not to be treated in silence over such an important issue affecting Frostmourne. I cannot speak for other servers. This server side latency is quite disgusting and makes the whole new expansion not enjoyable.
As usual Blizzard remains silent clearly over an issue that is theirs.
Shame on you.
That’s Blizzard customer service for you. Still treating us like gamers instead of paying consumers of their services.

Would love to speak to their customer service manager, if they even have such a person.

In fact, I’d love to do that job to overhaul their entire customer services program.

Edit: I’d like to add that I work for a global IT services and infrastructure provider. I am the customer service manager. In the past I used Blizzard in my presentations as a case study of good customer service. Their customer service has become stale over the last year or two. Guess how my customer services presentations will now reflect Blizzard?
15 ms but it feels like 200+. Please fix.
Their Twitter support is deliberately ignoring tweets regarding this issue. Blizzard's CS is a beautiful thing.
No more blue posts in the last 4 days? /sigh
Hey y'all,

Sorry about the lack of communication or updates, but we are still gathering information on this issue, and if you can continue providing trace/ping/mtr tests, we can forward that over.
Hey y'all,

Sorry about the lack of communication or updates, but we are still gathering information on this issue, and if you can continue providing trace/ping/mtr tests, we can forward that over.


You cant tell us anything more?

I mean with this server lag the game is UNPLAYABLE and I have seen HUNDREDS of complaints from people ingame for over a week...how long is this going to take?

This is affecting an entire region of your customers. There are days I cant even play because of this crippling bug....and we are no closer to even knowing whats causing it???

How much longer are we going to have to put up with this??
Hey Aehl,

We don't currently have a time table on this as a large part of the process is aggregating and investigating data from players. The more traces, pathpings, and MTRs we get, the more effectively we can establish pattern and root cause.

If someone you know is experiencing this, please direct them to this thread to post their test results.

Ill do that Lantrasau. May I please ask if you have any details as to why this is happening?

I can answer my ping right now. 12.12. Which it has always been. This isnt latency at my end..this appears (and Im no tech so bear with me) to be a server side issue...when my ping is 12/12 and it takes me five full seconds to send a mail?

Please understand that i am seeing a lot of angry and very upset people..this is a terrific expac and the outer world content is great..but when you are at 12/12 ping and you face a mob and click click....then spell fires (you know that click sound when lagged? that one)..... can you shed any light as to why this is happening?
08/22/2018 06:25 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Hey Aehl,

We don't currently have a time table on this as a large part of the process is aggregating and investigating data from players. The more traces, pathpings, and MTRs we get, the more effectively we can establish pattern and root cause.

If someone you know is experiencing this, please direct them to this thread to post their test results.

[url="https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/27780"]mtr [/url]
Removing posts once again trying to cover up....
Once again, the issue isn't the connection to the server. We've been over this several times in this post. It's the server itself.

All the traceroutes, pings, WinMTR, etc. have shown that the connections to the servers are stable. It's the servers themselves. Even if it was the connection to the servers, you have tons of WinMTR posts here of people connecting to the server and there still isn't a resolution?

Forgive my tone, but this is beyond irritating.
Yes, Dablan.

When the post is not constructive or applicable to the situation, our moderators may remove them. We are not placing blame on individual systems, we are attempting to obtain data on how connections are being routed so that we can look at why they are being routed that way. I apologize if that wasn't clear.

If you aren't interested in posting constructively (i.e. providing the data that we are requesting) then I would recommend against posting at all.

08/22/2018 06:35 PMPosted by Aehl
can you shed any light as to why this is happening?


While we will receive some updates, Support Forums Agents are not directly involved in the investigation itself. Because I don't want to provide well-intentioned misinformation, I can't comment on what our big suspects are.

While we will receive some updates, Support Forums Agents are not directly involved in the investigation itself. Because I don't want to provide well-intentioned misinformation, I can't comment on what our big suspects are.

Then may I please respectfully ask that we get a dev or a tech in here to discuss it.

I VERY MUCH thank you for your kindness and patience, and I will be telling others ingame to do as you have asked. The issue isnt as much that, though I absolutely agree you need data...but at this stage I am trying to put across to you that we need more.

The issues are isolated SPECIFICALLY to BFA areas.

The problem comes and goes and cannot be predicted. Players are beyond frustrated, with many that simply log off in disgust. I want to get onto levelling another toon...but after this morning, no.

With respect.. I am sick to death of my toon dying over and over again in outer world content owing to the fact that this lag hampers gameplay drastically.

As a support agent you have done wonders and I appreciate your work on this..but I ask that this be escalated and that we get a tech to come talk to us.

This affects every single OCE server. Players from at least a dozen nations with different systems, I can see this isnt a connection issue but a server lag or server response issue.

We are now over a week with no fix in sight. Please ask if this can be escalated and see what else can be done. The more communication we have, the better it is for all concerned.

Because I don't want to provide well-intentioned misinformation, I can't comment on what our big suspects are.

Understood. I used to have your job, so believe me I know. But right now, the longer this gets the worse it will get. It is impacting players across the board. We can keep posting these winmtrs etc...but for how long?

What can WE do to narrow this down?

Any help you can give will be gratefully accepted.

And from me personally..thank you.
08/22/2018 07:07 PMPosted by Aehl

In this thread alone I counted 38 winmtrs.

How many more do you need?

Essentially, we will continue collecting and aggregating them until the network guys tell us we have enough. Please keep in mind that 38 out of a much larger volume of connections is a very small ratio.

Additionally, the more recent the data is, the more valuable it tends to be. I'm watching this thread extremely closely for the explicit purpose of forwarding data.
08/22/2018 07:03 PMPosted by Lantrasau
Yes, Dablan.

When the post is not constructive or applicable to the situation, our moderators may remove them. We are not placing blame on individual systems, we are attempting to obtain data on how connections are being routed so that we can look at why they are being routed that way. I apologize if that wasn't clear.

If you aren't interested in posting constructively (i.e. providing the data that we are requesting) then I would recommend against posting at all.

08/22/2018 06:35 PMPosted by Aehl
can you shed any light as to why this is happening?


While we will receive some updates, Support Forums Agents are not directly involved in the investigation itself. Because I don't want to provide well-intentioned misinformation, I can't comment on what our big suspects are.

I was stating the LEGAL responsibility for your Company in regards to the delivery of these "Services"

Dont worry, unlike other countries, we have laws that protect consumers from this sort of behavior.

For the issue to not be all zones and phases it has to be down to how we are allocated to different servers.

Warmode on or off made no difference to me.

Here is 10 minutes of WinMTR to (was streaming video at the time)

| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| No response from host - 100 | 132 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 12 | 35 | 219 | 42 |
| No response from host - 100 | 132 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 14 | 35 | 205 | 44 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 17 | 33 | 205 | 40 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 16 | 35 | 208 | 44 |
| No response from host - 100 | 132 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 15 | 36 | 212 | 44 |
| No response from host - 100 | 132 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 14 | 36 | 213 | 49 |
| No response from host - 100 | 132 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| No response from host - 100 | 132 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 25 | 46 | 207 | 52 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 28 | 46 | 210 | 77 |
| xe-0-0-0.gw101.sy1.ap.equinix.com - 0 | 662 | 662 | 25 | 44 | 207 | 69 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 27 | 47 | 215 | 57 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 28 | 44 | 200 | 57 |
| - 0 | 662 | 662 | 27 | 46 | 210 | 53 |
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
Essentially, we will continue collecting and aggregating them until the network guys tell us we have enough. Please keep in mind that 38 out of a much larger volume of connections is a very small ratio.

Forgive that snark, I deleted it and rewrote. Please forget you saw it :p You deserve better.

Additionally, the more recent the data is, the more valuable it tends to be. I'm watching this thread extremely closely for the explicit purpose of forwarding data.

i will do what I can and will post them when needed..I can ask others to do so but cant gaurantee they will.

Thank you again.
08/22/2018 07:29 PMPosted by Aehl
Forgive that snark, I deleted it and rewrote. Please forget you saw it :p You deserve better.

The frustration is completely understandable, Aehl. End of the day, we want the same thing - stable servers/connections for you guys.

08/22/2018 07:20 PMPosted by Dablan
Here is 10 minutes of WinMTR to (was streaming video at the time)

The data is appreciated Dablan! Already added to the tracking, thanks for taking the time to run the MTR.