Ability/Loot Lag on North American Servers Despite Normal Latency

Seeing the issue again more severely on Turalyon in areas that tend to be heavily populated (Boralus, the incursion zone, and most of Zandalar due to Horde population advantage). Far worse than before today’s restarts/maintenance.

Bump for hope springing eternal

This has been happening to me on Eonar quite a lot recently. It’s really really annoying.

It happens to me on all of my characters on Eonar(I mostly play as Leafanna and Willtaru) and sometimes my characters on Nazjatar (although not as much).
It happens at various times throughout the day.
The zone i’m in doesn’t seem to matter.

My ping is usually steady at about 60-70 ms but clicking on quest items, using abilities, and mounting all sometimes have a 1-2 sec delay.

Its been really bad these past few hours from about 5pm - 11:30pm EDT

I will probably get lash back for this but oh well and I am NOT claiming this Is the Issue just some thing I tested…

I’ve been having latency/DC Issues since the start of BfA (In Legion I was fine)

But because of this I was testing stuff and I have kind of replicated this “Lag” or some thing similar on my hunter, I would have 30-50 latency play JUST fine

But then I would join a group on purpose for a boss and while It’s trying to phase me I would use disengage and sure enough that sort of “Lag” would hit I could move, I could talk but my abilities were not going off , It would FINALLY go off once I fully zoned Into the shard I was zoning Into I tested this 2-3 times able to do It every time

Join a server, It starts to phase I use an instant cast like Disengage and It would NOT go off until I was fully phased the Icon would light up and stay lit up until I fully phased Into the new shard then It would go off.

So maybe It’s a possibility of “Shards” fighting over players? And that’s why It doesn’t affect every one, Only those unlucky enough to get assaulted by these vicious shards.

The thing I don’t get though, Is I do get that lag any where , In Bg’s,Dungeons,Out In the world etc, I can’t figure out how the shards would fight over you while you were In an Instanced area (If this were to be the Issue)…

It may be Coincidence maybe others can test It.

Bump for visibility

Here is the most updated response. There is no solution.


Friendly bump since Blizz is closing all new reports over the last week and referring them here. This issue has been consistent for some time now with no new updates from Blizz in this thread.
Could we please get some sort of update on what is being done? The game is pretty intolerable in the affected zones.

This issue has not been resolved. Not only do I experience lag all the time, it gets worse when I am in a more populated zone, no matter the server. I have also been booted out of the game completely and dc’ed rather suddenly. I have horrible lag when I am entering an instance, so bad that I frequently get kicked from group. This is every level character I have, and in all zones.

World Quests and rare fighting in game are impossible. I am lucky to get one hit on a boss and maybe if I am super lucky, I get credit.

I know my laptop is a few years old, and I am having a new pc built, but if this issue is not fixed I will have to quit WOW and go to another game. Very sad about this, as I love WOW and the people who play it that are my friends. But they have also expressed concerns over these lag issues and a lot of them have left the game because of it.

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At what point is this going to be resolved and fixed? I’m on the Uldaman server which was forefully connected to Ravencrest. I’d like to level my 111 Alliance toon, however, being anywhere near or in the zone of Boralas makes the game play just god awful. I leave that zone and it is fine. So no, it’s not my computer or my internet or my electricity or my water. These are the things that are driving the player base away. I would hope this would be something that would be addressed quickly.

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On Cenarius - Lag is terrible yet Home and World latency shows somewhat normal. 1 to 3 seconds for action after clicking on a spell or attack, looting, picking a herb or skinning a mob. Same for opening a mount or taking a taxi from a flight point.

Lag on Area 52 in Mount Hyjal zone is terrible as well. Has been all day - 1-3 second loot and ability lag as well. World latency is normal as is the latency in the Resource Monitor. UI and addons haven’t changed. Definitely something on Blizz’s end.

Hey all,

We have seen another uptick of this sort of issue in the past few weeks and the engineers have been made aware of them. Keep in mind however that we in Technical Support are not developers ourselves and won’t have most of the technical details on this sort of situation. All we can really do is continue to monitor for updates, keep it on the developers’ radar, and post if any new information is available. At this point in time this is being treated as a bug rather than a technical issue so there’s no troubleshooting we can provide you.

As a reminder, you can sometimes work around it by swapping between war mode or out of war mode to force a re-shard, but that won’t always fix it.

Ravencrest Boralus and Tiragarde Sound are close to unplayable right now. They were moderately better when I was online after lunch today, but now it’s the worst it’s ever been. I wish your engineers were required to play on servers with this problem! Have you tried it? If not, tonight would be a great time to see firsthand just how awful the experience is.

Additionally, if Tiragarde WQ emissaries could be temporarily removed from the rotation, that would probably help. Unless, of course, this won’t be fixed any time soon. If that’s the case, you’ll be seeing a lot less play time from me. I play to get away from frustration, not add to it. :frowning:

(I Initially posted this to the Oceanic thread by mistake, sorry!)

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100% This ^^^ Ravencrest here. I have noticed this is particularly bad when the world boss in Drustvar is up. Since he started spawning in, the lag in Drustvar grew. Now, it is in Tirgarde Sound, but started once the world boss switched over to Drustvar.

Ever person I have spoken with on Ravencrest is having this issue and many reported having the issue when the world boss is up. Maybe relevant, maybe nothing. But it makes the game basically unbearable.

Want to flight whistle, too bad. You can’t.- I will say this though. I just- tanked everything for the invasion and am pretty sure I took ZERO damage the whole time. I fought a 2.2m NPC and did not take any damage. So that’s fun. Blood DK, fwiw.

That’s really sad to hear. It’s been an issue since the launch of the expansion especially on Oceanic realms. No amount of new content will ever mean a thing if you can’t offer people a stable, lag-free game experience. Blizzard used to care about quality…


Same lagg after week servers maintenance

All zones …

Moon Guard

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Given this seems to have been an ongoing issue since December 2018, and this content is what a lot of people are trying to play, can I expect this issue to be fixed this year? Toggling warmode doesn’t seem to fix it, and what have you…

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Blizzard keeps sending us to the same link to reset this and reset that, so I ask this, has Blizzard clicked on their own link and followed their instructions to fix the issue? Asking for a friend.

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Issues I’ve had for past week on Uldaman appear resolved after last reset. None of my alts used war-mode.
Prior, my Alliance alts were unable to start ‘follow’ leveling quests in Tiragarde sound, and mobs were glitching out when I had ~60ms latency. Couldn’t aggro most mobs. And any of my Horde alts doing WQ’s in Tiragarde or Drustvar faced same issues that appeared to be extreme lag, yet both home and world latency was around 60. The quest mobs were surrounded by multiple ‘flight master’ pickups just flapping there, and I had to hearth to leave the zone. And once out of those two zones, zero issues.
I tried a couple of my alts yesterday and today on both factions, and can quest/WQ in each zone now without issue. I figured you’d only see bad news, so I wanted to let devs know whoever broke something a week ago rolled it back successfully this week :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, they didn’t. It’s that certain instances are broken. It’s still majorly broken here :frowning:.