Ability/Loot Lag on North American Servers Despite Normal Latency

I’ve had this issue continually for the last few days while trying to level my alt.

Character: Hoofsy
Realm: Stormrage
Zone: Stormsong
I am not lagging, per se. My ms is 76 home, 55 world.
What’s going on: Mounting gives me the buff and speed of the mount, but I am not visually on it. I run at mount speed, and when I go to attack something, it tells me that I can’t do that because I’m mounted. Right-clicking the mount buff and removing it allows me to attack. Quests take ten ages to accept and the exclamation point will stay above their head for ~5-10 minutes before it counts as accepted. Kill quests work fine, but anything requiring me to pick up an item or perform an action takes ages. Combat takes a long time to leave. Feigning death can occasionally drop combat, but will not always (this caused me to lose a challenge character I’d spent 57 hours on, I didn’t know about the issue then!!) - and the animation for it will happen about 5 minutes later randomly as I wander around.
Everything else seems to function relatively normally, so the game isn’t -unplayable- but it is extremely tedious and annoying. Restarting doesn’t fix it. I’ve tried the above recommendations of manually choosing your graphics card in the settings, as well as the reduce input lag check, and nothing has made a difference.

Other guildmates on varying characters in varying zones report having the same issues lately, and I have seen my fiance on his computer across the room having them as well in a different area than me. We are on varying Warmode settings, too.

Edit: I just died for the first time with this happening, and ran back to my body. Clicking accept still left me technically dead, unable to attack, and the screen was grey visually… but mobs can still attack me and kill me AGAIN with me not being able to do anything. I could run around, but that was all.