Ability/Loot Lag on Oceanic Servers Despite Normal Latency

Yea this is just INSANE how long this issue has persisted. YET WE STILL PAY THEM MONTHLY TO USE A BROKEN SERVICE! Incredible.


Things have been going super crazy over the holidays? Hmmm Well this issue has persisted since the LAUNCH of BFAā€¦ Plenty of time other than these holidays to fix this issue. Sorry but iā€™m beginning to lose ALL faith.


Honestly you probably should have waited or re-consulted this thread before re-subscribing, sucks that you jumped back in hoping for a change and finding none :frowning:

Servers are just having some real hassles these days.

@blizzard is there any chance that these issues we are having a with specific sharding allocations? If re-instancing or hopping shards seems to alleviate the issues we are experiencing does that not point to specific instances of zones (both in NA and OCE) being the issue?
Perhaps through population allocation, or actual hardware side?

Is there a way of isolating the problem shards or does Blizzard have no way of tracking who is on what shard at a particular time? Can something be developed to show what shard we are on so that we can report it at the time of the incident and hopefully pinpoint the issue?

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I honestly believe they donā€™t care and wonā€™t fix it because weā€™re still subbed and playing.

Iā€™m dreading the day the new raid opens. Boralus is going to be so laggy itā€™ll be like the opening of Ahnā€™qiraj and people disconnecting left-right-and centre.

This is me on my DH not too long ago. Note how Fel Rush is so incredibly delayed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JrNOOk-3JY


That is gross, similar to some of the experiences I have. I personally like to think that they do care, but either their hands are tied or they honestly have no way of isolating/understanding why the issue is occurring.

When it comes down to subs, Iā€™m currently unsubbed while playing very limited amounts with my remaining time. I honestly hope that by the time my sub runs out they have fixed some of these issues so that I can resub, but Iā€™m just holding onto hope at this point.


Iā€™ve tried VPNs, using ye old BattlePing and Reduce the Lag like services to see if they made a difference, they donā€™t. Majority of my guildies will avoid tiragarde and drustvar during peak hours because of the lag.


I guess that confirms itā€™s server side as all those processes mostly adjust connection path.
Tirawhat? I think Iā€™ve said it before but I avoid that place like the plague. I canā€™t imagine what it is like as an Alliance who is forced to go through that area. I simply resigned myself to not leveling any Alliance this expac.


I levelled my Blood Elf pally with absolutely not lag/latency issues at all, had warmode on when I levelled him too, heā€™s my only horde toon at the moment.

All my alliance characters however, especially my casters, I had warmode off and on when I levelled them, but it made no difference because the latency got me killed more than once due to the janky casting and weird teleporting about the map.


Away for 3 months and itā€™s still crap. (A) Frostmourne.

Donā€™t bother asking for logs Blizzard, you can shove them where the sun doesnā€™t shine. AAA games will be built in less time than Blizzard takes to fix this bull crap.


Stormsong Valley
My pally
WM off
Solo never grouped

Loot lag, spell lag, combat lag.

12/12 ms

I am SO over this.


Unplayable ā€¦ since BFA launch
Same problem over and over and over ā€¦ same bla bla bla " run wintr, run glass"
Clearly Blizzard servers problem !


More issues today at 2:30pm Brisbane time.
In Volā€™dun on my DH mount stopped working as previously had been the case. Running animation kept whilst mounted, even had double jump whilst at mount speed. I then lost the ability to double jump completely whilst not mounted (could still glide as I use a macro for it), no animation or Fury generation for Eyebeam w/ demonic, then ~3s after the cast finished I would get Demonic appearance permanently until using Eyebeam again.

Quest progress was not ticking over, quest hand in would not recognise and neither would quest pick up.
For the end quest of the Gold Tusk gang where you show around the injured guard and feed/hydrate him etc, I had to log out after each step to get them to register so I could continue with the next objective of that quest.
Bandage him, log out, log in, feed him, log out, log in, hydrate him, log out, log in, show him to his bed, log out, log in, hand in quest, log out, log in.

These issues are at the stage where the game is unplayable. Itā€™s worse than just a few seconds of lag, itā€™s total lack of recognition of game inputs. You literally canā€™t play the game while it is occurring.


Same exact issues described happening on my DH also


So i am really excited to see if any top end mythic guilds run into this issue during mythic progression. A lot of the upcoming bosses require some precise movement/placement and if you are off by i dont know 3-15 seconds i am sure it could damper things a bit. Maybe this can get the ball rolling.

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It appears to be a world issue predominantly. I donā€™t believe I have experienced the same issues at all whilst in an instance, just the regular lag we get from always queueing into a NA instance. (in LFG content).

I donā€™t think it will affect them at all. You are right in saying that it would certainly bring it more to light if it was the case, but I highly doubt it.

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Iā€™m dreading what the realms are going to be like for us once BFD raid opens tomorrow.


I would say hopefully it impacts mythic prog when it gets here and that could cause some more push, but i doubt it helps.

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Where: Stormsong Valley incursion

When: now.

Who: my warrior

WM off

13/14 ms


THREE SECOND delay on spells and in combat, which of course wasnt a problem for the enemy NPCs that killed me whilst I was sitting there waiting for a spell to fire off.

Spell delay, cast delay, mount delay.

How much longer do we put up with this?


Hey all,

During our twitch Q&A today Ion talked some about the situation. Hereā€™s the link to the specific part of the Q&A where he talks about it. (For those who donā€™t want to listen to the twitch chat - weā€™re looking into a possible blog post/dev watercooler in the future to provide more details.)

So basically after 5 months youā€™re still looking into it.
