Ability Icons

You ever wonder what your ability icons even are? Some of them are so small or so obscure I can’t even tell what it is.

Like I just realized the warrior’s whirlwind is a sword moving in a circle and the blue is like the visual effect of the sword moving. And disarm is apparently a hand letting go of a sword. And I still can’t figure out what Bloodrage is.


Looks like an orc with pigtails.

My favorite is eviscerate “disembowel” is being stabbed in the neck. That’s not my bowels buddy.

Rogues skipped anatomy class that day.


My favorite will probably always be Blink. In WC3, it was the side-profile of a Warden. It was changed into a Mage spell for WoW, and since night elves couldn’t be mages, the alpha swapped the NE for what appears to be a dwarf (due to the stubby nose). And then, at some point, they decided dwarves couldn’t be mages (I believe it was for parity between the factions) but the icon remained: a blinking dwarf mage that couldn’t exist until Cataclysm.

I’ll add that there’s a possibility it could be Antonidas, but IIRC his nose wasn’t quite so squat.


I spent many years convinced that the Dreadlord’s Vampiric Aura from WC3 showed some kind of bird with a long beak drinking blood.