Ability Icons You Still Don't Understand

You ever look at an abilities icon, read the tool tip, and not understand wtf the image is?

For me, it happened recently when I was tooling around with Demonology. Summon Demonic Tyrant was just “Big purple thing” until I took the time to figure out is was just a demon with a tiny head.

Other notable mentions:

  • Cleave - Turns out its an axe with swing lines, and not the beak of a parrot.

  • Critical Strike from the Blademaster in WC3. Still no idea what this is.

How about you? Anything you never bothered to look into?


Mages’ Altered Time. I still don’t understand what it does but also have not made the effort to figure it out. I went as far as trying to watch some YouTube videos but didn’t get very far.

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Create Soulwell

The Soulwell is green, the cookies are green but the Icon is purple showing someone doing Idk ??

Also Ritual of Summoning, I have no idea what it is. Looks like a landscape idk.

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Zomg, the undercity mage teleport icon

It’s like one of those is it a man or a vase illusions.

I just see an overlord octopus man, not a ziggurat


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I think the concept was supposed to be you peering across the vast expanse of the universe to pull someone from great distances.

Instead, stars.

I think the Warlock used to have that for something but now I can’t remember.

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For years I couldn’t figure out what the icon on paladin’s crusader aura was. It looked like a lion with a sun behind it to me. Then, in an inebriated moment of clarity, I realized what it really is… and then promptly forgot, never to remember it again.

I still don’t know what it is.

The one button oddly easily understood, is in your Account page that says “Cancel Subscription”. You would of thunk that they would of made it a 400 step process to cancel, yet instead do that in game. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a horse.


Yeah, I still don’t see it. I can kinda see the body but apparently it’s been decapitated. :woman_shrugging:t2:


The icon is a clock because the ability essentially takes a snapshot of your health, mana, position etc. at the point in time you first use it and returns your health, mana, position etc. to that point in time when you use it the second time or let it run out.

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Its a sigil of a horse on a shield. Of a horse.

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It’s simple. You activate altered time, and it “snapshots” your position and HP when you use it. 10 seconds later, you get teleported back to where you were when you activated the skill 10 seconds ago and put back to the same HP.

So if you used altered time with 90% hp, boss proceeds to use AOE that cuts your hp down to 30%, 10 seconds later, you’ll be back to 90% hp.

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Not only do you not understand altered time but you didn’t understand the post either lol. Icon = picture on the button you press. Not ablity you use

“it’s Alter Time.”

-“What does it do?”

-“It alters time.”


Tyvm for the explanations. Now I understand how to use it. This actually is a pretty good situational spell to use.

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Funny thing about icons, trinkets are actually earrings, if you take your trinkets off, it shows an image of an ear, just like the other gear slots showing their respective body part :blush:

It’s not overpowered however because if the mage dies before the 10 seconds or you run out too far it will lose the place and skill will fail. Its only really useful if your in a boss fight or pvp fight that doesn’t have you move too far from original spot.

Also this version is nerfed, the original older alter time was insanely OP.

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wow has like 1,000 icons in the game, most of them aren’t unique to a single spell or item, they’re re-used icons that can be seen from trinks to gear pieces, some of these icons has been around as far back as vanilla that never had a makeover, so that’s why it’s hard knowing what it is

Nope, I just look at the icon so I know what to associate with the ability. I don’t really concern myself with what the image is, could have a turkey for Shadowbolt as long as I know what the icon is for that’s all I need :man_shrugging:

Good to know that there is a range issue. I will start using it to get a feel of how it works.