I have completed the quest but Ebyssian, the NPC to turn it in to, is not anywhere I can find to be able to turn it in. Im check in valdrakken and in Zaralek but I cant find them.
Does anyone know where I can find to finish the quest?
I have completed the quest but Ebyssian, the NPC to turn it in to, is not anywhere I can find to be able to turn it in. Im check in valdrakken and in Zaralek but I cant find them.
Does anyone know where I can find to finish the quest?
The WowHead page for the quest also indicates you can turn the quest into a copy of Ebyssian in Valdrakken, at the Seat of the Aspects.
If you’re not finding Ebyssian any of those places, that usually means you have a quest or quest chain in progress that is phasing zones so that the NPC is someplace other than the expected spots and may not even accept the turn-in if you sis find them. In which case, the best answer is to finish this other quest and end the phasing.