Guild information We are a newly merged guild that has acquired nearly a full raid roster. The main guild formed in August and have gotten to 4/5 with our Anub prog being 28%HP. However we still need some more DPS to make sure we can down bosses at a decent pace and not get hung up on damage checks; as well as be able to do mechanics and learn from mistakes In ICC. We are a pretty layed back group, and like to help one another out with in content outside of raid time. If youre are looking for a nice group of people to progress through Phase 4 with and down some bosses, might the right guild for you.
Raid Times
25M Tuesday: 8:00PM-10:00PM EST Thursday: 8:00PM - 10:00PM EST
10M Wednesday: 8:00PM - 10:00PM EST (Subject to change)
Loot Rules The loot rules are very straight forward as of right now. MS>OS +1 & 2X SR. No Duplicate reserves.
Expectations Show up to 90% of raids. If you can’t make it, please notify one of the leaders at least 24 hours ahead of schedule or you are subject to being benched. (Lenient with emergencies) Raid performance must be consistent, and you must know mechanics of fight prior to pulls. Please have the proper Enchants, Gems and Pots/Flasks. Feasts are provided every raid, and we have spare flasks for everyone, but prefer you to bring your own. Have fun and don’t flame other guild members. If you have a problem with someone. DM one of the leaders about it and we will resolve it ASAP. Have a good sense of humor.
Heals: Holy Paladin
DPS: Warlocks, any exceptional DPS will be considered.
Minimum Gearscore: 5.3K
How to Apply/contact: Please DM Me: #kyesmer on Discord with your in-game name, class and spec, gearscore.