AB Premades are horrible for this game

Everyone knows pugs are chaotic and stupid, everyone showing up there is just terrible bad.

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Who were expecting ? The game is changed since day 1. Who says it is not is a liar or didnt play Vanilla. But yeah I was expecting to have some changes… fixes… even change the crap ranking system, not to mention about other changes.

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Why do you think this?

Also you know that premades fight plenty of premades, right?

Whatever makes you feel better about being a nerd on voice comm with a bunch of other nerds I guess?

PUGs show the need to adapt and work with others. You sound like the type of person who enjoys watching E-sports where a group of nerds practices for months and months for every waking hour and people are somehow impressed that they are good at something.

But you play a night elf so your opinion is kind of DOA.

Core game mechanics didn’t change to date, that’s all you need to know. Ranking system is core to the game, therefore no matchmaking.

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Pugs just cry and yell on each other. You really need to disrespect yourself to enjoy such company.

I guess you are just afraid talking to girls IRL?

Oh you get offended when someone tells you you’re not the best in a PUG? At least you feel special when rolling PUGs with your group of voice comm nerds.

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Only those with delusion believe this.

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Coordination and a team with a shared agenda and strategy. Yes, it really does make all the difference.

laughing emoji. They don’t have any of the traits I just shared.

NE hunters are amazing in AB. Shows how ignorant you are.

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Bozo here is clearly upset that he only wins with premades. It’s okay little Bozo.

Buddy…dont tell me about the core mechanics. Do you really wanna tell me they didnt rework the ranking system because its core mechanics ?!
Let me tell you what else was in Vanilla core mechanics : World design … Back in Vanilla you had 3 k players not around 15-20 k like now in Classic… Not only you have to fight for resources on the maps what were implemented for a lower population but this effect also the ranking system. You dont have rank against lets say 1.5 k alliance players but much more.
And I do not even want to mention how does high population effect BG’s queues. Split a vanilla server population what was 3 k …lets assume half of them are alliance … 1.5 k …You have a certain queue… Now imagine the same with higher numbers.

Where did I say it was? Work on your reading comprehension please. Name checks out though, lmao…

Beat every alliance premade we faced today with a group of 6-8. It goes to show that matching games on group size isn’t a good enough indicator to match skill.



Horde premades do because your queue sucks…True yesterday I’ve seen a Horde premade not leaving their base because 13 players in the AB were premades in our team. True It was the first horde doing this in my experience, but still I dont understand why since they were a full team premades. Alliance premades does not fight Horde premades because of the Alliance fast queues and Horde would do the same if your AB queues were less than 5 min.

The problem with your assertion here is that these two aren’t really comparable. One is well within the EULA and is quite fun. The other violates the EULA and isn’t really all that fun.

Seems presumptuos to say that people who play with friends are also likely to cheat.

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You chose to play on 15k players server. Mine is fine.

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He is just finding excuses to being terrible in mmo.

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I didnt choose… Blizzard didnt mention before Classic that they will populate a World intended for 3 k players with 15-20 k.

Let’s get one thing straight, premade rankers are NOT pvpers, they are honor farmers. They set up full premades on comms to steam roll pugs as fast as possible to get the most HPH for ranking. They literally have no intention to actually pvp, because as soon as they get another premade they will rollover to end it as fast as possible so they can get into their next free win. The system is dumb and with the changes Blizz has already made to the game there’s no reason to hold back changing the premade game at this point.

Best thing to do would be limit the amount of ‘friends’ you can join up with. Every BG should be capped at queuing as a full group, that way you can still play together but not dominate the majority of the BG.