Hey so im looking for a handful of bodies to fill our 25 man roster, We had a full 25 for the entirety of phase 1 but recently had quite a few players drop to full-time retail, or just stop playing TBC entirely, so now we’re back on the forums looking for players.
We’re 11/11, 3/3, and have excessive knowledge of all Eye+SCC raids all the way up to ICC in WotLK.
Currently Recruiting Warlocks, Hunters, an Enh Shaman, Feral Druids, A Ret paladin, and Ele shamans, But in general we need 10 Players overall to Fill, And Overfill our roster incase we have a few no-shows week by week.
In the following weeks we will be grouping up for 25s with a second guild so we can both clear SCC and The Eye, so even if we dont fill out by this Friday we will still be raiding.
Message me Ingame @Mistyqt/Mistyx, or add me on Battlenet @M1S7Y#1825, yes theres a 1 and 7 in there.
I look forward to meeting you and the friends we make together.