[A]<Aethereum> 18+ Social Community & Casual Raiding

Guild Name: Aethereum
Guild Type: 18+ Social Community & Casual Raiding
Raid Times: Fri/Sat 8-11pm EST

Discord: discord(.)gg/esFGDY3

Greetings all!

Originally founded in 2008 outside of WoW, with the origins of the guild going back even further, Aethereum is a multi-game social community focused on bringing together like-minded groups of people that share our values of community, friendship, and most important of all, fun. Our goal is to maintain a place where anyone can hang out stress free and share some laughs among friends.

Our community consists of WoW veterans, returnees, and new players alike that joined us in the hopes of finding a place they can be comfortable and feel at home. We have a thriving social community that uses Discord frequently, and play a variety of games together when not playing WoW.

We’re always looking for more people to welcome into our community, so as long as you’re mature and have a slightly immature sense of humor, you’ll be right at home!

On the WoW front, our focus is casual raiding. We are planning on tackling normal Castle Nathria as soon as it launches, and progressing into heroic. In terms of raid spots, our current members are fairly flexible and open to playing a variety of classes and roles, so there is a strong possibility of raiding with us no matter what you play. If you feel like raiding with a casual, friendly, and silly group of friends you’re more than welcome to come along! :slight_smile:

Our raid environment is laid-back and casual, but we still want to push through content and progress. We tolerate and encourage light-hearted discussion and joking around in raid, but once we pull the boss we put on our slightly more serious faces. We will likely never be a top tier raiding guild, nor do we strive to be, but to us that doesn’t matter. What matters to us is that if we down a boss, we did it together, not just as a raid team or even as a guild, but as a group of friends striving towards a common goal. We love raiding and progression as much as anyone, but for us, the experience and feeling of playing with a close knit group of friends beats hardcore progression easily.

We are more than happy to bring anyone into our community that wants to join (Age 18+ please, our conversations aren’t always PG-13), and we are also more than happy to provide access to our Discord server if you simply want to test drive our community before committing to anything.

If anyone has any questions or is looking for more info, please join our Discord server. We have a dedicated new recruits channel that you’re welcome to ask in, and one of our officers will do our best to answer your questions.

For those of you interested, we look forward to meeting you! Happy gaming everyone!

Discord: discord(.)gg/esFGDY3

-Aethereum Leadership Group

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we have many cookies


We’re all excitedly ready for Shadowlands! Join in on the fun :grinning:

join us while we wait for the servers to appear!


Starting to hit max level!

We have a good chunk of people at level 60 grouping up and doin’ all the content together! Plenty of people leveling too :stuck_out_tongue: I know I’m workin’ on an alt (or two…eventually haha) xpac hypeeee

So many awesome new people joining!

wrappy made me lose all my gold

^ Same, don’t ever listen to wrappy’s WoW financial advice with playing the market :joy:

We’re not all that bad, trust.

most of the time anyway

Kinda sus tbh

First week of xpac wrapping up c: lots of dungeonin’ and socializin’

Reset tomorrow! Come get your mythic dungeon gear!

Still looking!

Our first raid night of Castle Nathria is a little over a week away!

Eff cookies, we have cookie dough ice cream now :drooling_face:

Looking for a couple of people to fill out our raid roster, preferably ranged. HUGE priority on a priest!