[A]60 Warlock LF Raiding Guild

I am looking for a new home for classic and TBC raiding as my guild recently fell apart. I’m willing to transfer to just about any server, though I would only be able to promise attendance above 90% with PST or EST evening raid times.

15/15 Classic Experience
Years of experience with all content pre-Pandaria
-including fights like HC Ragnaros, Sinestra, and HC Lich King
Ability to learn strats quickly
Ability to follow instructions
Ability to not stand in fire

Would prefer a stable long-lasting community of raiders who are able to have fun, but also be serious when it matters.

Hey fellow gnome, Ill throw us at you for thought.


CRITICAL MASS :zap: : is 14/15 Naxx and recruiting to fill out our raid team.

:sparkles: RAID TIMES: Wed and Fri 8-11PM

:sparkles: RECRUITMENT NEEDS: Mage, Priest
All others are encouraged to still apply if interested and will still be considered.

:sparkles: LOOT: Loot is handled by a rotating member loot council. This means each month we will have 1 officer and 3 members in loot council and it will change the following month.

We are looking for any exceptional applicant who has Naxx experience or is willing to learn and can follow directions. The Guild is made up of seasoned vets with 15 years experience to newer strong players, most with families. Leadership is experienced in raiding and we are looking for a few new members who can commit to both raid days for full duration for us to continue to be successful and down KT. Come join the fun in a laid back style of raiding while still getting the job done.

:moneybag: :moneybag: We also run GDKPs, AQ40 every sat and we throw in BWL/ZGs throughout the week. Good way to make gold for those naxx consumes or get the gear you need from older content.

Find me in game drlipschits or discord drlipschits#9385 (all lower case)

Spot available for R DPS currently.

Tu/We 7:30-11:30 PST

Contact Fortyz#1911 for more information.
