[A][25m] <What are Glyphs> | Tuesday/Thursday 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST (edited) NEW [4:17 PM]

What are Glyphs”

“What are glyphs” is a guild built on the foundation of a group of wow friends built over the past ten plus years. We bring varying skill levels and achievements ranging from Cutting edge in retail to Rank 1 and Gladiator on the pvp side of things. Our current progression is the roster boss after having picked up AoTC 10m Uld we are looking for players to move into 25m followed by 25m HM prog.

Into the nuts and bolts.

Current Raid days are [Tues / Thurs]
Current Raid times are [8:00pm/11:00pm] EST

Highly needed specs
Shaman- Ele>Resto>Enh
Paladin- Holy>Ret>Prot
Death knight Blood>Unholy>Frost

For all other information and inquiries please reach out to any one of our officers either on discord or in game through btag.

Guild Leader: Lilshifts- Discord-Tyler#2089
Officer:Rahpajehova- Discord-Fella#1889 (edited)

We do a little Bumping :smiley: