I was thinking. Since DF prepatch we have seen an interest in renewing the community. While using this moment of goodwill and cooperation in this. So im looking to put some feelers out to see if people are interested in a cross faction yearly event designed to be fun. Have role players, pvpers all under one tent as it twer. Ive seen classic servers and retail servers tend to do something similar. And i guess id like to see something like that as a single unifying event that everyone can get behind and afternits done back to murdering each other. Etc…
What does everyone think of having a server yearly event?
You should hop into the Soldiers of Azeroth discord. TinyurlDOTcom/wowsoa is the quick way in. We were discussing doing an actual event but I don’t want to say too much here. It’ll be good I think, but it’s going to take alot of people to pull this off.
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I have toons in both factions and two accounts. This sounds fun.
Hop into the SOA disc if you can. I can make one promise. I won’t ever try to hurt anyone. I just wanted someplace where everyone could be equal. I will make a channel specifically for that event. It’s in the main channel but it’s pretty far back by now. When I make the post in the new channel I will lay out the plan. It’s going to take alot of people to make this happen. I don’t want something small or cheap. The idea was an event that would show off the RP PvP traditions of Emerald Dream. Hopefully when all is said we’ll be looked as the gold standard of RP.
WoE is fully on board with helping make this happen. I’ll reach out to Redwood after the holiday to acquire Discord contacts.
Both are in the SOA Discord. I’ve mentioned this to both and they liked the idea. The leader of Redwood offered to help too. It’s going to take alot of volunteers. Not to mention worthwhile prizes. I expect people to come from other servers for it if we plan everything out properly. I really appreciate you guys wanting to help ALOT.
It’s going to take a team effort for us to get it going and done right. Also someone hopped into our Discord, said that we were just another Tournament of Ages, and that is definitely NOT what we are doing. Their may be some similarities and what not, but I wanted to try to bring the feel of playing D&D as much as I can into this event.
Was that you who had launched the cross-faction server RP Discord? Forgive me if I have the name mistaken. Let me know your contact and I’ll reach out to you over Discord. I’m also interested in setting up Rp/PvP events with you.
No it was someone else. This is cross faction of course also. That’s awesome! We can talk about it in Discord.