[A-Xserver-RP] The Mead Hall

Hello, and welcome to the Mead Hall! We’re a Dwarf (and friends) RP community. Up until recently, the Mead Hall has been the home of the WrA dwarves. However, we’ve come to the conclusion that more dwarves = more fun! The Mead Hall is officially opening its doors to dwarves of all servers, and will serve as a hub for dwarf RP of all sorts.

That means if you’re from Wyrmrest, Moon Guard, or any of the other RP servers, you are welcome here. More than that, if you have a dwarf RP community, project, campaign, etc, you are welcome to join the Hall and have your dwarf stuff shared! Our ultimate goal is to help dwarves find RP of all sorts across all servers, regardless of what server you call home.

The Mead Hall continues to run our regular events and stories - that means you can catch us at these events! (Wyrmrest server time is Pacific Time, for anyone off-realm that wants to join in on these!)

The Cask ‘n’ Anvil, a pub hosted by Modarin (or his alt, Brewbeak), every other Friday night at 6 server!

The Mithril Mug, hosted by Bathildis, Entalinval, and Raynelle, every Sunday night at 6 server!

Mission Boards, a rotating one-off (or short series) RP event, every Tuesday night at 6 server!

But wait, there’s more!

Every month the Mead Hall community hosts a Moot! A Dwarven Moot is a sight to behold, as it’s the monthly party for the dwarf community! We all come together, eat, drink, chat, brawl, play games, have competitions, and catch up both IC and OOC on things to come in the community! Even if you aren’t a dwarf, it’s worth the trip.

Lastly, community events and campaigns can take place at any time! Everyone is welcome to come host their events with the Mead Hall, and we’ve got some experienced DMs who will happily help you develop events and campaigns!

As the Mead Hall has opened up cross-server, we’ve joined forces with the Assembly of Ironforge! While the old Hall of Wyrmrest typically runs tavern nights, adventures, and other shenanigans, the Assembly has more politically-minded RP! I highly recommend you check them out - there is a link to their discord in the Mead Hall, or see their forum post here!

How to join the Mead Hall
Find me on discord at Snowsteel#2289 for an invitation to our discord! Bathildis can be found at Ironstout#0154 if I’m too scary! Or, you can join our in-game community (linked below) and ask for an invitation in there!

If you are applying to the community (and not directly joining), please add a note to your application so we know you aren’t entirely lost!

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Community Invitation - WoW

Regardless of what server you’re from, what guild you’re in, what clan you represent, or what cosmic power you worship, you’re welcome to join the dwarves! Even if you stand over 4ft tall and can’t hold your drinks, we’ll gladly have you along!

(Disclaimer: Horde are typically not welcome at all events. We can’t speak Orcish, you can’t speak Common, the guards have guns, the whole deal. You understand, right?)

Final Notes

If you decide to join the Mead Hall, I can’t wait to see you around! Never be afraid to ask myself or anyone else with one of those crown things in the community channel for help! The Mead Hall is our home, and we hope that you decide to make it yours as well!

Now, pull up a chair, someone’ll get ye a drink, and let’s hear o’ our next great adventure!

(If you’ve read through the thread, and you’ve surmised that I am in fact not - Rufaic - that is because this is a copy/paste from Rufaic! Blizz is weird about duplicate threads, so I’m posting on his behalf! That said, the Mead Hall has been a part of my life for nearly a decade now, so I highly endorse his words here! If you’re interested, please reach out. We’d love t’ have ya!)