[A] <XC> 1/8M Daytime Raiding Guild W/TH Recruitment

[A] <Cross Continental> (XC) is a daytime and international mythic raiding guild.
Currently our progression raids are Wednesday & Thursday at 9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. (PST).
We also have casual heroic raids on Tuesday at 9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. (PST).

We are actively recruiting skilled players to join our progression raiding team for mythic content. We are currently looking for strong DPS and hybrid players capable of performing well in different specs/roles. We are recruiting a skilled healer and high parsing dps for our mythic team.

Our specific class needs are the following:

Demon Hunter (Havoc)
Monk (Mistweaver/Windwalker)
Priest (Discipline/Holy/Shadow)
Shaman (Enhancement/Restoration)

All exceptional applicants will be considered.

For more information, please feel free to contact: Kursa (Trix#11208) or Dancenkim (Spirit#1951)