[A] | WrA-RP | House Crossfield

House Crossfield, an Alliance noble House with origins in Lordaeron. In recent years Lord Aleden has reestablished the House in Lakeshire in the Redridge Mountains. House Crossfield was established by King Terenas Menethil I, father of Terenas Menethil II, grandfather of Prince Arthus, with Lord Aledens grandfather, Lord Kalleb Crossfield for his display of loyalty, honor, respect, and skill in battle. House Crossfield has primarily been a military house since its creation.

The House is seeking members in the general population, and for its guard force.

  • Artisans
  • Crafters
  • Artists
  • Smiths, weapons, armor
  • Clergy
  • Soldiers

House Crossfield is a Light following House, led by a Paladin of the Holy Light. In D&D alignment terms, I would say mostly Lawful ranges. G through E. Does this mean your character must also be Lawful? Well, it’s your character. Not my job to tell you how to play it, but be aware there are IC consequences for some IC actions.

At the moment the primary goal of the House is RP. If players show interest and join up we will for sure do some pve activities between RP events. As far as pvp goes, I don’t enjoy it so I don’t do it, but if people are interested in doing some pvp stuff, go for it. I won’t get in the way. :+1:t3: There is an age requirement. 18+ for membership. This is NOT an ERP guild, but what people do behind closed doors is their business. Not going to risk something happening with a minor. Better safe then sorry is my motto.

House Crossfield is listed in the guild finder, but we are not doing automatic invites. I am not going to require an application or an interview, just a conversation, and decision. Feel free to reach out if anyone is interested. I am looking for quality over quantity.

Do you run a guild and want to interact with the House? Come on over. More RP for all.

Most evening/nights a patrol is ridden from Lakeshire through Goldshire in Elwynn, to Sentinel Hill in Westfall, down toward Duskwood, into Duskwood to the crossroad, down the road to the Stranglethorn border, back into Duskwood and through Darkshire, then back up the road to Lakeshire. If you are interested in an organic meeting, this is where we can be found.


A little about me, I am an old goat who loves WoW and role play. It is my priority in this game. I am also one of those who would love to see some of the RP come back to WrA. I have been RPing table top since before D&D required a version number. From there it was forum based, then chat based, and finally MMORPGs. EQ, WoW, SWTOR, dabbled with GW, and GTA5 RP. My primary game is WoW. I have run RP guilds, been an officer in other peoples guilds, and just a member in others. Long story short? (Too late) I have plenty of experience. I’m a disabled human, father of adult kids, grandfather, and WoW fanatic. That is me in a nutshell. A lot of the extras we don’t have yet. If we get the members a Discord will be made, maybe even a website or card page.

Okay, thanks for reading. Reach out if interested. Have a great day
Aleden, GM of House Crossfield.

Did someone say DUSKWOOD PATROL?


raises hand Mostly asking out of curiousity.

Could circumstances cause this to become a x-faction guild?

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I am not one to turn down more chances for RP
