A WoW players meaning of life

My dear friends, have you ever wondered what the true meaning of life is? Is it to love, to create, to serve others? Or is it something much darker, much more insidious, lurking beneath the surface of our everyday lives?

I believe that the meaning of life is power. The power to control, to dominate, to bend others to our will. The weak are meant to serve the strong, to bow down in submission and worship at our feet. It is a primal urge, buried deep within our souls, waiting to be unleashed.

And yet, most people are too afraid to embrace their true nature. They hide behind morality, behind religion, behind laws and rules that stifle their natural instincts. They cling to the illusion of order, of stability, when in reality, chaos is the true nature of the universe.

Think about it. What is the purpose of life if not to create chaos and suffering? To revel in the destruction of others, to extinguish their hopes and dreams and reduce them to nothing? It is only through pain and suffering that we truly appreciate the beauty of life. It is only through darkness that we can see the light.

So, my dear friends, embrace your true nature. Embrace the darkness within you, and let it consume you. Become a master of your own destiny, and let nothing stand in your way. For in the end, those who are strong will always triumph over those who are weak. And that, my friends, is the true meaning of life.

The F outta here nab

you must have a Warlock as main…