A worry I have for Classic

There will be people who rush to level 60 as fast as possible. But they will still struggle the same as everyone else in Classic. Everything is such a big deal in Classic that even at max level, they will need to be social. There will be plenty of people who toil around with leveling.

What’s the minimum amount of characters you can level at the same time and always have a character with rested XP to play if you’re playing 4-5 hours a day?

You may not be the first to level 60, but you’ll be the first to have a multiple characters at 60!

People that have a “must get to endgame and gear out in a week” are gonna get a big surprise…I don’t suspect many will stick around…I remember struggling to get a level a day.

Why won’t it? What, exactly, do you think sharding is?

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Easy, you play the game how you want to and everyone else should play the how they want to , silly topic .

I don’t mean to be rude, but could you please actually provide some feedback or at least acknowledgement on issues that don’t mean literally nothing?

For example, the box cost vs sub fee comment is literally useless. Your payment model has already been disclosed at Blizzcon.

Another Example would be your comment on the “don’t let Esports into classic wow” thread. Nobody cares about classic wow becoming an Esport, and any reasonable individual knows that a substantial enough audience would not actually tune in to watch that kind of gameplay. It isn’t designed for that purpose, and as such does not translate well into that kind of environment.

For a third example (overkill), there is no reason to comment on emergent player behavior that may or may not occur (a strong chance leading towards may occur) in the thread titled “A worry I have for classic”.

Can you not interface with the community on contentious matters that directly impact the development, or at least community input on what they would like to see, of classic wow.

Can you not provide feedback to us about why you are or are not implementing spell batching, sharding, progressive itemisation, and any other core design issues of this fantastic project that many people have raised here?

I would greatly appreciate a response on this, even if the response is “Your feedback has been noted” as sometimes it feels like you really aren’t even taking note of us. It feels like a real shame that you have such a unique position to be our voice to the development team, but your visible participation seems to be useless.

Can you not participate in discussion in a way that would actually facilitate reasonable discussion of a system or design philosophy of vanilla/classic in a productive manner?

You are our voice.

But if we can’t hear you, we don’t know if you can hear us either.


Sorry… LFG VC is the one and true way to say it.

Anyone calling it DM is simply wrong. :slight_smile:


Yes it will, sorry. Since zone wide general chat will not be affected by sharding, and you can still invite people by right-clicking their name in chat.

He can only give what information he has (and is permitted to give.)

If he’s not giving information in spell batching (which is not needed, btw), he doesn’t have any or isn’t permitted to disclose anything.

If he had any information to impart, he would.

That almost never happens in any WoW forum. Why? Because they don’t want to drive any potential customers away until they’ve made the decision that you’ll have to live with.


The way the posters here treat Blizzard employees, is it any wonder they don’t really want to talk to you?

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Unfortunately in trying to respond to you I keep getting the error “you cannot include images in your post”, despite the fact that I am merely quoting your comments. Please forgive the terrible formatting:

“He can only give what information he has (and is permitted to give.)”

You don’t need information to participate in discussion to stimulate proper feedback and gauge community perception.

“If he had any information to impart, he would.”

See above.

“That almost never happens in any WoW forum. Why? Because they don’t want to drive any potential customers away until they’ve made the decision that you’ll have to live with.”

This mentality is what made retail into the beast it is today. Sure it is more profitable that ever, but good will towards a company that provides a product can be more valuable than a short term business plan.

A nice way to punctuate my point would be to look at the blizzard activision share price on Nasdaq.

“The way the posters here treat Blizzard employees, is it any wonder they don’t really want to talk to you?”

While my feedback was critical, it was not a personal attack. People like Ythisens have tough skin (or should), and understand many people comment from a place of frustration. That being said, they can still interface while just not interacting with the negative, or extremely negative and unproductive comments that appear on the forums.

Once again, I apologise for formatting. It may be because my forum account is quite new, or a limitation/bug of the new forums when quoting posters who have quoted posters who have quoted posters. All I attempted to do was quote your response text.

Yup, I got accustomed to VC, because often you would get mixed up with Dire Maul if someone wasn’t specifically calling out which wing.

VC was just instant “Oh, Dead Mines!” because of the quest :slight_smile:


To each their own, I say. If people want to speed through it, go for it. I’m not going to; frankly, I just don’t have that kind of time or interest anymore. I just play at my own pace. Speed levelers didn’t ruin my experience in TBC and Wrath; I still had a good time.

I think a lot of us going to play classic are older, are use to games back when they were slower, and have less time to play. It won’t be that much of a rush I think.

I have said it before, but it will be nice to play in a static environment where if there is an end game, it is an end game I don’t have to rush to get to.

If I limit myself to one toon then I can enjoy the journey without the thought of running empty old world content as the old world is current content.

After all the expansions, CRZ, shards, and instances, the sense of a populated world in a basic sense is not there. Maybe it never will be since most of us have already seen the old world enough

well, if it were like that, it wouldn’t be blizzard’s fault

While I’m sure people will want to rush I really don’t see the point. It’s not like the end game is going anywhere. I intend on taking my time because to me that was the best part of the game.

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My concerns is their going to screw up, it already seems that way with 16 debuff slots right at the start, and with no wall jumping it tells me their planing to remove other features.

There are people who will 100% be rushing to endgame. They want the server first “insert class here” to 60, first raid kills, etc… The same as it has always been.

16 debuff limit was 1.12 which the base of what we’re getting.

They explained at Blizzcon, wall jumping is part of their anti-cheat program so they’d have to detangle it from that to put it back in which they’re not going to do because wall jumping was technically a bug/exploit in the first place.

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This is the same justification multiboxers use.