A World Awoken

I was wondering what people think of a thought I had on the “A World Awoken” achievement.

I believe they should make it similar to the Shadowlands achievement “Back from the Beyond” is now, where the legacy portion would exist that gives a title (Veilstrider) if you do it before the expansion ends, but you can still farm the achievement afterwards for the mount. Kind of gives a small prestige for those who were able to do it before the expansion ended.

So in this case, the “A World Awoken (Legacy)” Achievement would give a title and that would be unobtainable after the expansion ends, but the regular achieve to acquire the mount is still available.


Gives me something to work on that doesn’t involved the same 5 weekly quests. So I’m ok with it.


They could still include something like that. A few of the mounts still aren’t in the game yet from the meta achieves so it could just not be implemented yet.

Honestly, I thought the same thing. A limited time title, and a permanent mount would be a nice sweet spot between “you were there and did the thing!” and “I really wish I had that but I didn’t play then”, imo.

I very much enjoy giant meta achievements like this. As someone who already does all the PVE achievements for each zone, it’s a nice reward.

I agree on the title vs. mount thing, and hopefully (since that’s how they’ve handled bring back the SL version) the route of title as the FOS and mount as the “do it anytime” version, will stick around going forward.

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Dragonflight is made up of a lost of different activities, some of which I enjoy, some of which I do not. One of the differences between my frustrations of Shadowlands and enjoyment of Dragonflight has been the lack of pressure to do things I don’t enjoy.

I am slowly working down a todo list that involves doing some things I put off or avoided. However, I expect there are some achievements I will not get to or will even actively avoid.

The big meta achievements of 10.2.6 feel like a push I wasn’t looking for to do things I’ve been avoiding doing. I know I won’t finish “A world awoken” itself. I probably won’t complete many of the smaller metas either. I can live with it if there are people who want that extra push, but it does itch a little.

I was thinking this before and think this is a great idea.

I agree this makes sense.

Got it today (complete with my invisible taivan), and this is on my mind immediately again. Feels weird even though it’s not like I ever USED the veilstrider title :dracthyr_a1:

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Titles are collectibles too. They shouldn’t have removed Veilstrider, and they shouldn’t remove anything here.

They are, but they’re ones that, in my experience anyway, are much less envied, which is why we’re saying the “you were there and you did it!” reward should be a title (up from nothing) but definitely not a mount (those being an evergreen reward from an evergreen version is a big step up).

There being nothing for doing all these achieves while an expansion is current is a little strange, given how it worked previously.

That said, “nothing at all should be fomo” is a valid argument, even if I don’t necessarily agree on all counts in this case.

I think they are, but not in your Collection tab. Try using ‘/cast [mount name]’ to check.

I’ve heard about that I just keep forgetting to check when I’m on WoW. Got sucked into plunderstorm today and since the primal storms have only been in azure span since I got home from work I didn’t play much wow.

There are tons of titles in this game, but there’s only this single mount that looks like Taivan (AFAIK). If anything, the mount needs to remain the limited time option, with the title available after the expansion ends.

I feel like it would be a sin to make Taivan be limited time, he’s such a good boy

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Nah should be the title if there is one that’s limited. Either way I’ll have the mount whenever the storms cooperate.

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What does this actually do? You get a flying mount. And that’s it?
Does it enable you to fly your normal flying mounts in Dragon Isles?

And while I’m here can you fly the dragon flying mounts everywhere else that flying mounts are able to be flown?