[A] <Wonderland> Come Join Us!

Wonderland is a newly reformed guild from Old Blanchy (formerly known as Probably Going To Wipe).
We focus on fun more than seriousness, and welcome people with disabilities.
We do raid, but take it at a slightly slower pace so that everyone has a chance to see the content.
We don’t judge skill, all we ask is for people to do their best.

Our raid times are:
25 person team Tues and Wed. or Wed. and Thurs. on a rotating schedule that we run with another great guild ‘Walk The Plank’ (formerly known as Pirates For Eternity).
5:00 pm server time.
And we also have a 10 person Sat. team that runs at 6:00 pm server time.

We welcome all, not just raiders. Social/PvP/Dungeon runners… everyone!

We are all mad here, so come on down the rabbit hole and have some laughs!
All members can invite! A quick /who wonderland will find us.

Warning: Gchat and discord chat can get raunchy, and adult subject matter is going to happen.
We aren’t kid friendly in that manner, and often NSFW.

Off with their heads!