A Woe for Modern Class Development: Priest

Reposting my beta feedback in response to once again clear negligence toward Priest and general class favoritism with the most recent 11.0.5 patch notes.

A Woe for Modern Class Development: Priest

From Legion to Shadowlands the priority of class design shifted in favor of expansion specific borrowed power. This shift in priority was justified when the systems like Legion Artifacts, Azerite Armor/Essences, and Covenants were the main selling point of the expansions and so took the majority of development time. But since Dragonflight classes have been the selling point of the expansions. Yet as a Priest I cannot help but feel that classes continue to have a lower priority.

Why is it when the selling points of Dragonflight and the War Within and classes are at the forefront of marketing and features, that class changes during development feel similar to when they were not the focus of the expansion? Why must my class go for two years and two development cycles without addressing core issues identified by the community? It is my impression that while the face of classes may have been lifted, they are still designed in a similar manner to when they were not the focus of the expansion.

In short, I feel that the process in which classes are designed is obsolete and needs to be revisited.


Having 13 classes in the game and 39 specs poses a real challenge in keeping parity between them while keeping them unique across the board. The goal is to have a shared set of standards for the classes, no matter how or when they are being worked on, so each one feels like it is receiving similar treatment. As a player, I don’t want to feel like I am at the mercy of a developer when it comes to my class. That isn’t to say that individual developers can’t leave their personal touches on a class, but there needs to be some promises shared across classes. Whether explicitly stated or implicit in design, this consistency ensures that no class feels left out when experiencing the variety of content that is in the game.

I am not advocating for homogenizing classes. I am a proponent of class envy, but there is a difference between being envious of a class because they do something unique, and being envious due to being left out.

If you tell me that Shadow Priests are getting their instant cast procs removed because you want to reduce mobility, then why is it that Fire Mages can be lite Beast Mastery Hunters? If you nerf the Angel’s Mercy talent for our defensive mid-tier, why is it that you add absurd suvivability to Paladins in the same tier? If you remove Shining Force because you want to reduce knockbacks in PvP, why do you add it to Shamans in the next expansion? If you make interrupts accessible to every spec in the game, why are healing Priests suddenly exempt from that? Why is it that Priests are getting their utility spells nerfed for solving problems added by the combat team? Priest feels as if it is being designed with different standards than the other classes.

Aside from these statements of design goals given by the developers, I feel that there should be metrics that all classes adhere to to stay comparable to one another. If as a Priest I have one of the lowest survivability, lowest mobility, and most niche utility kit, how can I possibly justify playing my class if only for the Priest fantasy? Enjoyment for my class comes from how it plays, not just how it looks.

It frustrates me when I see the tools other classes have compared to mine, without any compensating factors for my class. Repeatedly relying on the tools of others of which my class has no access to creates a lack of agency that is simply not fun.


It has been exhausting to see Shadow Priest repeatedly reworked over the past 6 years, with each rework removing some problems while introducing others, and seemingly never finished. Admittedly identifying something in a creative discipline as “finished” is difficult, but by playing it a player can feel when a design is incomplete. This has been the case for Shadow since Battle for Azeroth, and recently Priests since Dragonflight.

While we may not know the full reasons for this incomplete state, as a community we know that Shadow Priest has not had the same developer per expansion since at least Legion and Priest’s developer quit at the beginning of Dragonflight development. It is understandable that people leave and move around in companies, but we as players should not suffer for it. The designs introduced by those who left can continue to be iterated on instead of reworked from scratch. And the community can be leveraged to complete that work when knowledge of the class is low for those new working on it.

I wish small wins were taken more often when it comes to iteration on classes. Even when no active development is happening on a class, small changes to it can make the largest of improvements. So much favor of the Priest community would be gained by making the smallest adjustments to address current gripes we have. We are no longer fighting Fyrakk so you can revert the Mass Dispel nerf. Give us our 20 seconds back on Power Infusion because Unholy Death Knight is now way less ramp heavy. Buff Spell Warding to 5% so it is comparable to Elemental Warding after Shaman rework. Make Shadowy Insight grant a temporary charge to Mind Blast so we can benefit from it with Voidweaver. And even if you’re planning on addressing these in the next Priest update, why make a class continue to suffer until then when temporary fixes can be made so effortlessly?

It’s small changes like these that can take an unfinished rework to finished, and deciding to restart the iteration process—instead of seeing it to completion—as many times has been done is the definition of insanity.


Frequent communication is paramount to the feedback cycle for development. Without it, it is impossible to discern why changes are made, and leaving it up to interpretation simply muddles the feedback process. It also creates rapport with those involved, so the sheer lack of communication of some classes during The War Within beta compared to previous expansions is confounding.

Continuous communication can massively speed up the development process. If when changes are introduced the intent behind those changes is also stated, we can immediately begin testing them out and tailoring feedback specific to the design goals. Without knowing the intent behind changes and instead needing to interpret them, feedback may no longer be valuable because the interpretation may be wrong. Without valuable feedback, how is an iterating design expected to move in the right direction? Without valuable feedback, iteration to a final design will take more time because the design’s goal is unknown.

This development cycle Priest received zero communication regarding changes to either the base talents or Hero talents, aside from Oracle prior to its rework. What we received was the opening blue that is the same for all classes and then copies of beta patch notes which we already knew. After around 1000 posts it’s no wonder the community starts to feel ignored when we are in fact being ignored. What’s the point of feedback forums when the communication is only one way?

Aside from lack of communication, the delivery of communication needs to be re-evaluated. It was both disappointing and frustrating to have months of silence broken by what was effectively a PR article using excuses to justify the negligence of Priest during the Dragonflight beta. Telling the community earlier that Priest would not be further worked on instead of months of silence would have received a better reaction from us. Then tell us you plan on revisiting the class in the near future, of which neither happened.

If you wish to reduce rework during development and retain the favor of the players, communicate more frequently and respectfully.

Did Blizzard forget about Priest? Do they not care? Do they not have the time? I haven’t played other classes so I can’t say if these problems are pervasive, but at least when it comes to Priest they have been problems for too long. My conclusion after years of these issues repeatedly occurring is that the process itself is flawed. Whether it’s Priest specific, or Priest is the only class I’m aware of that is affected, at best you are fostering frustration within an entire community.

Until there is a clear shift with the process of class design, the only feedback I can provide is the following:

  • Better consistency in design philosophy
  • Better completion of class changes
  • Above all else, better communication

And as always,


Unreal all we got was “Mindgames icon was updated”.


I’m just smh at this point. Paladins get their 3rd revamp and Priests still got nothing.


Reminder that it’s been two years since the game director of WoW publicly stated that Priests deserve better. Looks like the class devs didn’t get the memo. If anything it feels like they misheard Paladin instead.


inbetween tweaking MW every single patch and paladin getting their XXXXX rework , even shamans are eating good , i doubt there is a priest dev.

Priests deserve better man


This is a small thing, but it speaks to how disinterested in priest Blizzard is in priest as a class: shaman is getting some new, long-overdue spell particles in 11.0.5.

Mind Spike and Dark Ascension were added to the game for seemingly no reason other than to tamp down on internet complaining about Voidform (RIP). They still have the particles Blizzard created for them in 2009. Mind Spike Insanity has no unique particles.

Devouring Plague particles are just a priest T6 shoulder with a transparency filter on it. Effectively from 2007.

Power Word Shield and most of our healing spells are still using particles from 2004.

Ultimate Penitence was added and, while it does look cool because Penance looks cool, has no unique particles. Effectively, particles from 2008.

Priest (mostly shadow?) got maybe a third of its particles updated in 2013/14 and it has received almost no visual updates since despite having new abilities added (or returned). They either don’t update the particles or re-use existing priest particles.

EDIT: Felt pertinent in retrospect, but Blizzard also hides most of our prominent spell particles from everyone else to avoid visual clutter but is just fine with the visual clutter when other classes are causing it. Blizzard likes it when priests are not seen or heard.


I am so glad I picked to level my Demon Hunter to level first in TWW as I can’t say I didn’t expect this trainwreck to some extent. But now its just laughable in seeing all these long list of updates for many classes and once again Priest seems like it doesn’t even exist given how the major highlight is that our fort buff costs less mana lol. Simply outrageous lol.

I am actually just enjoying this moment more than being upset as I think its just one big joke now and I just cant help but to laugh lol.

Now I would actually love to see more big lists of class changes for the next update and once again see priest changes either missing or they make Mind Soothe costs less mana or something stupid and insignificant again lol. This is hilarious!

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Stopping in here to stand with my fellow Priests. Plz gib update Blizz.


I will never not be upset about the amount of prayer of mending talent bloat there is. That’s mainly why I fantasize about a holy revamp. Trim some of the PoM talents back! Please!


Reminder that Priest is the class with all three specs having the most two point talent nodes out of all 39 specs and they decided to rework Paladin a third time before touching Priest.


At this point, if there were glyphs that changed the water-theming to holy-light and the totems to icons, rshaman would be priestier and a more iconic healing spec than priest.

I half-expected Anduin to be like, “Wow, the Light really sucks… I didn’t realize how useless it was” and then a montage of him training with Zappy Boy to be more effective in battle.


Okay I know theres a lot of mostly warranted frustration but that is ridiculous lol. It would absolutely not feel like a more iconic priest spec than any of the priest specs, nor would it be priestier. No angel forms, no naaru pets, no shields, no floating with angel wings, no floating with symbols spinning around you, no flying into the air with giant angel wings hitting everything with a barrage of penance bolts, no floating upwards to send out bolts from radiance. I’m sorry but the overexaggeration in here is getting ridiculous.

This might be cope but there could be priest changes in the works potentially and we just haven’t seen them yet, its not like this is all they are doing for 11.0.5 and calling it a day. I’m not saying to sit and wait either, definitely keep bringing up the problems, but there is at least 2ish months probably until we see 11.0.5 so there is time.


I did specifically say all that was missing was the theming - mechanically, shaman has a cohesive and complete healing kit. Priest is hanging onto far too many talents, core abilities are missing (external DR, ranged AoE CC, interrupt, lust, brez, etc.) and most heals are doing their own thing and don’t complement each other except for the Serendipity mechanic.

Shaman happens to be themed to elemental (largely water) iconography, but you could just as easily slap some sparkles and wings on everything and it would be a better priest.


I think priest has a very complete healing kit. Coming from hpal where nothing felt cohesive at all, it was literally all mashed together hence why they removed glimmer and all the glimmer related talents, it interacted with basically nothing else I can say hpriest and disc both feel very fluid and very cohesive to me.

With hpriest, everything you use ties in together to reduce the cd of your holy words (holy fire and holy nova reduce chastise, renew and prayer of healing reduce sanctify, flash heal/heal reduce serenity) and it flows together quite well. I always feel like I’m doing something important when pressing abilities whether its CDRing a holy word I want back or getting mastery healing out or trying to spin salv, nothing I do really feels like a waste.

With disc, pretty much the same deal. All of your abilities basically flow into each other, it feels complete to me. I have no problem with the gameplay of either disc or holy, just think they need a bit of help in pve.

Would not want a major rework for either of them, but I do want a rework for our class tree (similar to paladin getting one) because our class tree imo is the worst thing about priest overall right now, especially the entire right side. I also posted separate disc priest feedback already, but some 2 point reductions there would be really nice.


Ryeshot, you are a pillar of the community and your opinions are always great to read. Thanks for taking the time to post this. It is well-thought and beautifully articulated.


I’m beginning to think the sinking realisation of being left behind is the class fantasy.


That’s my hot take, that the state of priests has a direct relationship with what is going on with WoW’s storyline and specifically with a certain main character essentially abandoning their original spec(priest, obviously, and unshockingly, acts more like a paladin) and their connection with the Light.

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Hey guys but Mistweaver has now a full rework for the 4th time!! Apparently all the big changes they got through the whole dragonflight expansion wasn’t enough!!

And Mistweaver is even a less popular spec/class than priest at this point it doesn’t even make sense!!!

This is incredibly well written. Do you have more pieces like it, somewhere to read?

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All of my articles are written for the forums and for the time in which they are written. While I think that some of them may still be relevant, this topic I feel most strong about and will remain relevant until Blizzard decides to change their stance toward Priest.