(A) WhiskeyBusiness is recruiting

Hello! WhiskeyBusiness is a brand new guild on Windseeker. Currently we’re just leveling, but will look at raiding at some point - we’re not in a rush.

Three of us, who have played together since Vanilla, decided that we didn’t really want to be in a guild with 500 other people (random ginvites in Elwynn forest will not happen here lol!). We’d prefer to keep it smaller and get to know people.

We’re adults. We have kids and jobs and things outside of WoW. We’ll never be a top raiding guild - but we’ll have fun!

I can’t give you any information on raid nights/times, what loot process will be or anything else because we’re just not there yet. If you’d like to get your foot in the door and be able to help make those decisions - we’d love to have you! (also if you like recruiting, that job is open…I said years ago I’d never do this again!)

Our only requirements are:

  • 21+
  • a good sense of humor - being a funny ahole is great - just a regular ahole will get you kicked.
  • leave your drama at the door

For now, you can contact Myrelle or Emerentiana in game

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I like what you guys have to say. Seems right up my alley. Looking to add a young warrior to the ranks?

Sure! I’ll be on later this evening (Myrelle) just send me a tell and I’ll get you an invite!)

Oh - I have the right toon showing now so didn’t need to specify lol! So yeah, just shoot me a note!

There is no space :clown_face:

I knoooooooow!!! Blizz said nope to the name without the space :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

Hey this sounds great, are you receptacle to a Ret Paladin even for raiding?

I think the only thing I’m truly against is a melee Hunter - ret pallies are just fine by me! As long as you can kill stuff and not die. Well, at least not die a lot.

Wow, I didn’t even know I had that character.

receptive? :clown_face:

Indeed, we are.