(A) Westfall - Shady Acres | Guild for Older Players - Recruting!

EDIT 1/24/25: We are no longer on Westfall, we are now on the classic anniversary realm, Dreamscythe.

Are you tired of the hustle and bustle of raiding? Do you feel like you’re the oldest person in your guild and you can’t relate to anyone? Do you just want to play and enjoy the game in a cozy smaller guild.

Hello! Shady Acres is a brand new WoW guild founded on 3.18.23 on the Westfall sever for older players who just want to relax and enjoy the game with other older players.

We are not a raiding guild!

We are working professionals, parents and even grandparents. We do not raid, but we love to socialize, do crafting, quest and piddle around, and help each other as much as possible.

Please whisper anyone in the guild for your ticket to Shady Acres!

Minorah#6838 (on Discord)


Great group of folks in this guild. So glad I joined.


The guild keeps me in stitches every night. Everyone is so funny, talking about being old. I think I have more fun watching guild chat than I do actually questing now.


It’s true. I have been laughing so hard I reaggravated my sciatica.


Such a great group of folks!


Still plenty of room for more! Come join us if you need friendly guild home.

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Will look you up at some point. Sounds like a good place for new folks as well.


Yes. We are very accommodating to new players. Most of us have alts of different levels, so there is usually someone to group up with or run dungeons.

Sounds like a good group that I would enjoy gaming with. I sent a Discord friend request.



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Hi Taega, we are on the lookout for you :slight_smile:

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Shady Acres is still active and growing, if you need a casual non raiding home. We plan to be around for a long time, so come join us if you want a friendly group of older players to hang out with!

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10/10, great community to work with, helpful and responsive. Looking forward to future events :slight_smile:


Sounds like a great idea. I may have to join you.

Looks like this is an older post, are you all still around and plan to go into cata?

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Yes we are still around. I believe most of us plan to continue into Cata.