Hello everyone! A small group of world top 100 raiders from BC are aiming to raid 10 man. We’re older and our schedules are limited. We miss the comradery and synergy and friendships that 10 man creates.
The raid times will be from 2:00-5:00pm on Saturday and Sunday.
We are looking for nice people, and competent players who know their class, who min/max, read boss strats and aren’t afraid to wipe. We’re looking for all roles atm.
2 tanks
1 healer
1 dps/offhealer
5 high damage deeps.
Thank you!
If interested please message Sephira #1771.
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I am down. This is my main I am posting with and have been prot tanking since legion. I am 35 yr old dude, and your schedule matches my work/life balance. Let me know! (I’ll message you in game, but I am at work atm).
Hey, I am a rogue looking for guild to get some raiding.
I was rank 5 healer north america in season 1 BFA M+ and had a rank 1 world dps parse in legion on argus the unmaker heroic. I also was a heal officer for a top 100 guild early in BFA. In game name: Gerog Discord: Gerard#5274
Hi Inihgrobmal our guild is looking for active members to push Heroic into M (we are 6/10 H CN). We also pvp (pushing 1800+ atm). If you’re interested let me know and I can invite you in game (our raid times are tuesday 6-10pm and sunday 5-9pm)