[A] <We Click From Spellbook> Fri/Sat 7pm server Recruiting Healers/Range DPS

We Click From Spellbook are currently looking to finish out our raid roster while also inviting people who just wanna enjoy the game and help build a community. We are looking for people who want to enjoy clearing the raid while also not sweating over logs or being the first to clear the raids.

Our raid times are Friday/Saturday 7pm to 10pm

We have cleared 17/17 +3D as a 25M team. Still deciding on when we will run 10 man content as a guild.

Currently recruitment needs
(If you have an off spec that you are willing to play thats always a plus)

(Full on Pallies,Warriors, DK’s, Warlocks and Druids)


Resto Shaman - High

Enchance - Medium

Range Dps:
Hunter - High
Ele Shaman - High
Spriest - Low
Warlock - Low
Boomy - Low
Mage - Low

We are always recruiting anyone who is just looking for a place to call home and enjoy the game and community we are building here at We Click From Spellbook.

Maxblack98#1566 - discord

Still looking.

Updated Looking for Resto shaman are a few more range

Updated. Looking for 1 more shaman. Ele pref.

Got 3 drakes down. Looking for an Ele/Enh Shaman. Casuals/leveling people are always welcome.

Looking for Ele/Resto Shaman.

Looking for Resto Shaman, Ele shaman, Hunter.